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Digital Transformation And Innovation In Companies

This is neither a fad nor a momentary trend: digital transformation is already a reality in the daily lives of companies, and many digital strategies are already well-known in the business world, such as cloud computing, Big Data, among others.

New scenarios require managers to change traditional management models. Here we can cite as an example the music industry, better known as the music industry, which in recent years has been losing ground to companies like Spotify, which provides innovative services for a new generation that thinks and acts connected. After all, who still buys a music CD?

In this new scenario, where consumers want much more than usability, process optimization becomes synonymous with efficiency within organizations. It is necessary to go beyond the “innovation labs” and seek a clear definition of the “day after”: what are the results that the engagement of innovative actions is bringing to the company.

And that is the purpose of our post today: to show what digital transformation is and its impact on companies. Keep an eye out and find out what’s coming!

Digital Transformation Is Just The First Step

It is necessary to break organizational inertia to adapt to digital transformation. A digital business goes beyond automating procedures, as it transforms processes, acts on business models, and offers customers the best experience through the intense exploration of digital technology.

A digital business adds value to the company and, at the same time, generates revenue from its digital assets.

And innovation emerges as the initial “kick” to keep a company competitive. The business may be the same, but you need to know how the company interacts with the customer. What impact is it bringing to companies?


Creativity and innovation are the main protagonists of new business scenarios. And it cannot be denied that digital transformation can be an excellent opportunity for innovation. Bringing the customer closer, strengthening the relationship, and making it simpler and less bureaucratic is a competitive advantage.


Traditional business models can adapt to the digital format and become a reason for market differentiation and preference.

More Quick And Simple Processes

The big bet of digital transformation is reducing bureaucracy and simplifying processes, which optimizes resources and reduces costs.

Change In Customer Behavior

The internet made it possible for consumers to make purchases and other operations in a few clicks, that is, access the virtual store and carry out all processes in the virtual environment without the need to go to a physical store. This change was stimulated because the methods became safer and less complex.

Integrated Systems

Integrated solutions become part of the internal routine of companies. Everything you do can be integrated, whether procedures, applications, environments, and even organizations. Digital transformation enabled the integration of processes and information.

Digital Transformation Trends

Having a digital strategy is a competitive advantage. New trends and digital changes require companies to change their routines and plan for technological democratization, which suggests that the old idea that IT and business should be aligned is outdated. According to the Deloitte consultancy, in the coming months, eight trends will impact the pace of innovation in companies, namely:

More Agile Organizations

Companies need to learn to explore methodologies to react proactively to market changes and remain competitive – that is, knowing how to deal with changes in an agile way makes introducing products in the market faster and brings more value to the business. Traditional mechanisms take too long to deliver a suitable solution to customers.

Virtual Interaction

The popularization of mobile devices is changing the way companies and customers interact. Companies need to adjust their structures to take advantage of new approaches.

Internet Of Things

It is necessary to use the entire volume of information collected and stored efficiently. All this data should be used to support the decision-making process, and these decisions will reach consumers’ routines more proactively through technology.

Reimagination Of Core Systems

Investing in integrated solutions and systems is only possible if the functionalities are used. You need to understand ways to modernize processes to maximize their potential.

Self-Managed Services

Technology is acting in an increasingly comprehensive way. The trend highlighted by Deloitte highlights the importance of the IT department in the integration process, allowing it to build and deploy resources more straightforwardly and form self-managing services.

Blockchain ​​Democratization

Electronic transactions have become standard in the digital economy, and blockchains play a crucial role as mechanisms ensuring compliance with all these processes. This trend allows for the realization of smart contracts and the distribution of accounting for the exchange of values ​​between the parties involved in a transaction.

Predictive Analysis

Companies that carry out predictive analyzes of their customers’ consumption and anticipate demands will have a tremendous competitive advantage. With the new technological tools and instruments, it will be possible to process data and generate useful information quickly and in real-time, transforming all information into a valuable asset for the company.

Social Impacts

Technology is present in people’s daily lives, and it will become almost impossible to notice it in the near future. With this, companies will need to explore the active role of technological resources to bring practical solutions on a global scale.

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