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HomeCyberSecurityHow To Use Two-Step Authentication To Keep Your Data Safe

How To Use Two-Step Authentication To Keep Your Data Safe

Two-Step Authentication: Data security is not just a concern for companies but everyone. Many cybercriminals have been attacking personal accounts and stealing data and money.

That’s why the two-step authentication system has gained much visibility. Find out how to use this feature to your advantage and keep your data safe below.

What Is Two-Step Authentication?

Two-step authentication is a feature offered by most online service providers. This is an additional layer of security in the account login process, in which the user provides two forms of authentication.

In most cases, the first factor is the user’s password; the second can be anything from an SMS to a verification email. The main idea is that you must have all the information to log in.

The two-step authentication method is not foolproof but offers an extra barrier, preventing hacks into online accounts. It is necessary to present something other than the password to gain access to the report.

In addition to offering additional security, the two-step authentication system lets the user know that their account has been the target of an intrusion attempt.

Let’s assume your second security factor is a code via email; if you haven’t made a login attempt and still receive the code, you’ll know that someone guessed your password and tried to steal your account. It is important to note that if this happens, you must change your password immediately.

When Should I Use This Feature?

The two-step authentication system has proven safe and reliable, so you must activate this functionality in all available services, especially those that have your bank accounts and personal information.

What Are The Primary Forms Of Two-Step Authentication?

In addition to the traditional, and already mentioned, SMS codes and verification emails, several tools can be used to perform two-step authentication.

RSA’s SecureID is a code generator widely used within the corporate sector. Another form, a little older but practical, is the Transaction Authentication Number (TAN), commonly used in banking systems.

The TAN works as follows: the bank sends a list of codes to the user, and every time he carries out a transaction, he will need to present some of these codes.

ATMs usually use a two-step authentication tool, in which the user must present the password and personal information.

Google and Facebook, references in this system, have code generators in mobile applications, allowing users to create their unique passwords.

Many are the investments made by companies in this sector; biometric technologies are already a reality in most applications. Many devices already work with a face reader, iris scan, and even heart rate recording.

Google Workspace And Data Security 

At the corporate level, the Google Workspace solution can help mitigate security risks, reduce costs, and be a crucial part of creating collaborative and communicative environments within the organization. Let’s look at some relevant features of this tool.


Regarding security, Google Workspace protects the data you use to the best of your ability. This information is audited and meets the highest security standards in the industry. Its security features allow the creation of flexible and scalable catchments, regardless of the browser or device used. 

In addition, Google Workspace’s robust security features facilitate secure communication and give administrators greater control and visibility into their organizations. Insights from data protection reports can also help administrators identify sensitive material, making better decisions about how best to protect their organization’s data.

Google also uses custom hardware infrastructure, avoiding risks with intermediaries. In addition, it uses the machine learning resource to improve digital security, making the large volume of data entered in the base to be carefully analyzed to find and stop any threats. 

All of this works based on the user’s consent regarding the use of their data. Thus, Google has custody of the corporate data of companies that use Google Workspace, keeping only the information that the customer consents to be in the company’s possession. In this way, your data, in addition to being safe from threats, is also in compliance with the LGPD. 

Cloud Identity Resources

Cloud Identity is identity management as a service and endpoint (EMM) platform. It helps security and IT teams increase end-user productivity, protect business data, and transition to a virtual workspace. 

Google provides this endpoint administration and identity service as a standalone product on Google Workspace. As an administrator, you can leverage Cloud Identity to oversee your users, apps, and devices from one central location, the Google console for administrators.

Therefore, we can see that mobility is a facilitator of our routine, allowing work to be performed anytime and anywhere through mobile devices connected to the internet.

This makes corporate information a much easier and more promising target for cybercriminals. Therefore, having a corporate solution that guarantees mobility and security and creates collaborative corporate environments is the best path to business growth.

Also Read: Cybersecurity: Threats And Trends To Watch Out For In 2022

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