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Cybersecurity: Threats And Trends To Watch Out For In 2022

Cybersecurity: Faced with a context in which connectivity increasingly permeates aspects of life and work, it is necessary to be equally attentive to trends in cybersecurity. 

After all, it is never an exaggeration to remember that, especially now, due to the paradigm shift caused by remote and hybrid work models, digital risks and threats find a new scenario, full of gaps and opportunities to which people and companies are still adapting. 

Some time ago, stealing a user’s credentials, or breaking into a system, required high technical knowledge, which limited the frequency of such actions. Today, however, the tools to accomplish these feats, if not the attacks themselves, are already offered as a service, making the practice increasingly challenging to tackle. 

In parallel with the advancement of these threats, whether in volume or complexity, even the oldest scams are being improved.  For example, phishing, malicious communication that copies a legitimate e-mail to obtain data from an inattentive recipient, continues with increasing victims, even though it has existed for almost thirty years.

Fortunately, digital defenses are also constantly evolving, which is why cybersecurity trends serve to point out problems periodically and indicate solutions, which must be followed up as soon as they arise.

With this factor in mind, continue reading the following article and check out what will be trending in 2022 and beyond when it comes to cyber protection. See too:

  • The current digital security landscape 
  • Top threats
  • Challenges in cybersecurity
  • Zero Trust: a strategy on the rise 
  • The action plan is essential.
  • Cybersecurity trends for the future

The Current Digital Security Landscape 

To talk about the landscape of cybersecurity trends for 2022, it is necessary to understand that there has been a significant change in this area in recent years. Furthermore, if security was once considered by many companies to be a good thing but not essential, it has now become a paramount issue.

Another critical point to address is that, although security was a priority, its structure was designed for a scenario with employees in the office. At first, companies had remote access platforms only to be used sporadically, controlled by few people. 

In early 2020, organizations needed to expand this service, in some cases to serve 100% of the workforce. And from now on, the hybrid model is one of the significant trends. It is worth mentioning that these transformations do not go unnoticed by hackers, who take the opportunity to study new vulnerabilities and improve attacks.

Cybersecurity Challenges And Trends 

Many cybersecurity experts classify companies into companies that have already been attacked and companies that still don’t know they have been. Although it is an alarmist view, it serves well to demonstrate that all sectors should be concerned. 

This is also important when considering that no security guarantees 100% protection. Threats evolve daily, as does cybersecurity, but believing that any company is wholly shielded is not feasible. Even so, in a business, it is necessary to balance specific measures with principles of usability and performance, which is a challenge for IT professionals.

Cybersecurity Trends For The Future

Investing in digital security is necessary, regardless of the size or industry in which a company operates. This is a fact that many organizations around the world have already accepted, and it is something that will gradually change the structure of the business.

According to forecasts released in October 2021 by Gartner :

  • By 2024, organizations that adopt a cybersecurity fabric architecture will reduce the financial impact of security incidents by an average of 90%;
  • by 2025, 40% of boards of directors will have a dedicated cybersecurity committee overseen by a qualified board member;
  • By 2025, 70% of CEOs will create a culture of organizational resilience to survive coincident threats from cybercrime, severe weather events, civil unrest, and political unrest.

Finally, it is possible to say that cybersecurity trends will change how cybersecurity is treated within organizations. It will be considered a business decision, part of the priorities, and have a results-oriented approach.

Also Read: Is Hyper-Automation The Future Of Cybersecurity?

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