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Migration To Cloud Computing: What Are The Steps

Migration to cloud computing: Nearly 70% of enterprise IT managers plan to adopt some form of cloud computing in the next few years, according to a 2019 Veritas survey.

To reach this conclusion, 1645 cloud experts were interviewed worldwide. The managers also talked about the current state of migration to cloud computing in the place where they work. Almost half of the organizations have an IT infrastructure divided between public cloud and on-premises, that is, in data centers installed inside the company.

But 75% of respondents want most applications and data storage to be allocated to the public cloud.

The task requires IT professionals trained in migrating to cloud computing. They will be in great demand in the job market to meet the growing demand of organizations.

Seven Benefits Of The Cloud For Businesses

After knowing the seven benefits of cloud computing for companies, you will understand why global migration to the cloud is international.

Cost Savings

Keeping physical servers at the organization’s headquarters requires high investments in installation, configuration, and even a powerful cooling system, which at the end of the month, increases electricity costs.

In cloud computing, the company pays only for the service it uses without having to install expensive hardware.

This allows the resources destined for the maintenance of the IT infrastructure to be redirected to other segments of the company.


Depending on the demand, the customer can increase or decrease the machine’s capacity simply with a few clicks. It is a great solution for seasonal problems of access peaks.


Deploying new IT capabilities via the cloud is more agile. The customer has new servers available in no time.

24h Support

Cloud computing guarantees the availability of the service 24 hours a day. If a server fails, the application’s other information is transferred to another available device.

Unlimited Storage

Cloud storage space is offered on demand. Ask for the supplier’s platform when the customer needs a larger database.


Backing up valuable data in the cloud is more convenient and agile than on a physical device.

Ease Of Access

From the cloud, the customer can access the necessary data wherever they are, as long as they are connected to the internet.

When Is It Worth Migrating To Cloud Computing?

There is no definitive answer to this question, but some factors must be considered. And keep in mind that migration to cloud computing is a process that requires a lot of planning and strategy so as not to harm the company’s operation.

  • When the company needs operational mobility: in a world where the home office is increasingly common, cloud computing has proved to be a solution for employees to access files and software essential for an organization’s operations.
  • When your server is at the end of its life cycle: hardware renewal usually involves high costs, not only for the equipment itself but in the installation and maintenance labor. Cloud computing currently means savings in expenses, as the contract is monthly and on demand.
  • When the company has seasonal usage spikes but pays for extra servers that it doesn’t use throughout the year: As the cloud service is pay-as-you-go, the company doesn’t have to pay for a computing infrastructure that sits idle for months.
  • When the company makes major upgrades or creates new applications: this is the time to migrate to cloud computing, as the promotion can be included in the infrastructure change process.
  • When the company cannot guarantee data security: Cybersecurity is one of the organizations’ biggest challenges today. Cloud services provide another layer of protection for information through management and monitoring of access and data encryption.
  • When all the competition has already migrated to cloud computing: if most players in your segment have already adopted the cloud, it is a sign that the company needs to consider this possibility at least, if only to realize that it is not the best time to make the migration.

How To Migrate To The Cloud: The Main Steps

Has your company decided to adopt cloud computing? Check out the main steps of migration to the cloud:

  1. Take stock of what will be migrated to the cloud. Remember that migration doesn’t have to be done all at once; you can set priorities between the company’s sectors.
  2. Establish the steps for migrating to cloud computing. Remember that moving to the cloud will require testing, analysis, identification, and troubleshooting. The same routine as an IT task applies here.
  3. Define the best type of cloud for your company: private or public.
  4. Get a quote from leading cloud computing providers. The best known are AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, but several are available on the market. At a minimum, they must provide backup, encryption, and guarantees in bankruptcy or sale situations.
  5. Make a cloud computing integration plan. Define how company employees will access data in the cloud and who can edit, create and view documents. If the migration to the cloud is partial, provide for the integration of local information with the remote server.
  6. Conduct security and performance tests in a controlled environment with less sensitive information.
  7. Conduct training focused on cloud computing features with all employees. This way, all teams will know best practices and security guidelines after migrating to the cloud.

Remember that every organization has a history of IT investment that needs to be considered, so the step-by-step described above may not be suitable for all cloud computing migration projects. The IT professional who knows how to combine the context of the organization and the technical knowledge will come out ahead to meet the market’s current demands.

Also Read: What Are The Cloud Storage Costs?

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