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IIoT – Technology And Cybersecurity For Industrial Environment

Technology and Cybersecurity: The growth of IoT is well documented worldwide, and the industrial variant of this technology follows the same pattern.

In the current market moment, where maximizing productivity and reducing costs are crucial to maximize the success of companies, the use of tools that facilitate achieving these goals is an innovative practice. In this sense, implementing IIoT in production lines is a natural choice, which only tends to maintain its expansion pace.

The latest generation of industrial equipment brings native connectivity and analytics capabilities that take the production line to a much higher level of intelligence and automation than in the past. IIoT equipment has enormous data collection capacity, allowing managers to see relevant indicators such as productivity, efficiency, errors, and material consumption, among many others. This results in improvements not only in management but in production, quality and costs associated with losses, maintenance, etc.

However, some considerations are needed for using this technology, the internet of things brings risks due to the interest of criminals in exploiting vulnerabilities in these devices, and it needs to be applied with caution and awareness. Not mitigating risks can open space for malicious actions that, if implemented, can eliminate any benefit obtained by the devices and generate significant losses.

Prevention, Remediation, Investigation: The New Profile Of Security

The wide variety of applications of the Industrial Internet of Things, while being a massive advantage for the customer, also creates many options for criminals, so there is no single way to prevent all types of attacks that can be tempted against this technology. Given this, it is best to adopt a preventive and comprehensive approach to security, which combines intelligent and automated tools with qualified personnel to anticipate, intervene and resolve in case of incidents.

Naturally, the complexity of the current Industry 4.0 scenario, marked by the comprehensive connectivity, digitalization and intelligence of the productive means, makes it difficult for many companies to train their staff and manage the necessary tools. At this point, a specialized service such as an MSS, offered by a highly qualified partner, proves to be of extreme value.

A service like the one offered brings together state-of-the-art tools, threat intelligence, control and response centers, and trained personnel to prevent and respond to incidents quickly and assertively. As a specialized service, MSS manages to bring together qualities that are very difficult for resident teams to replicate, such as:

Analytical And Preventive Posture

Checking the status of equipment vulnerabilities, applying patches and updates, analyzing network behavior, and reviewing reports and alerts, to name a few, are fundamental activities for the security of a connected environment. For overloaded teams, who have to deal with infrastructure, connectivity, hardware, maintenance, etc., managing security can be too challenging. Similarly, a specialized team can perform this activity more agilely and effectively.

Quick Answers

It is impossible to reduce risks to zero. Still, when you combine monitoring, analysis and response tools with the expertise of a team that can manage these solutions and respond quickly to anomalies and potential problems, your environment will be safer. Attacks in industrial environments are complex and can take weeks to achieve their goals, so identifying an attack quickly can prevent attackers from doing damage.

Complete Security 

As the attack surface grows with new connected devices, security cannot be limited to isolated tools and teams that monitor them. Complete protection manages to unite resources ranging from the physical environment to critical infrastructure solutions, cybersecurity and anti-fraud systems. This helps maintain access control, information integrity and consistency and physically preserves machinery and the environment from malicious actions.

Adopting technologies such as IIoT is inevitable in the current moment of industries, given the increase in competitiveness; therefore, it remains to invest in security as an integral part of the company’s growth strategy.

Also Read: IoT – Expanding Technology In A Corporate Environment

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