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Process Robotization: The Importance Of RPA For Your Company

RPA – Robotic Process Automation can be translated to Robotic Process Automation and already says a lot, automating processes through robotics.

This mechanism is already present in the productive, economic, and even financial market sectors, generating gains in the oscillations of financial assets on the Stock Exchange. As you can see, in this context, I’m going to talk about process robotization, so keep reading and understand more about it.

What Is Process Robotization (RPA)?

To define RPA, we can say that the main objective of these robots is to process possible day-to-day routines that can be automated to reduce costs and have more safety, speed, and efficiency in repetitive work.

Companies always look for alternatives to improve their processes and develop the best. This happens especially in difficult times, such as the new coronavirus that impacted the entire planet, putting the world economy in check and holding back the advancement of companies.

According to this scenario, the search for benefits will always be welcome, and these benefits that can be achieved in the robotization of corporate processes are pretty advantageous. The advantages range from increasing the speed of tasks, reducing human errors, saving human resources, and directing people to more strategic, intellectual, and qualified jobs.

How Are These Robots?

When talking about Robots, the figure of a human-shaped machine doing programmed tasks immediately comes to mind. In the futuristic children’s series, The Jetsons, created between 1962 and 1963, it was already possible to notice automated work, flying cars, robots as domestic servants, etc.

It turns out that, in reality, I’m not talking about traditional automation with physical robots with predetermined functions. But the process automation of computer systems intelligently manages to adapt to different situations without the intervention of the human hand.

How Does RPA Do This?

RPA does all this work using Screen Capture technologies, also known as OCR, Flow Automation, workflow, and Artificial Intelligence, which many call AI.

The Trajectory Of Process Robotization

Certainly, RPA is here to stay without a “return ticket.” Already seen as a fundamental technology, it has transformed data from different systems through processing. All this, without human interference, generates an efficient and effective level of trust.

RPA began to come to life in the 1990s. However, it took shape at the beginning of the current century. Of course, the three technologies ( Screen Capture, Flow Automation, and Artificial Intelligence ) emerged separately at different times. However, their combination gave rise to RPA with the painting of intellectualization, the main element of Artificial Intelligence.

RPA And Its Generations

The trajectory of RPA has occurred so far through 5 generations. These generations have been happening as technology has evolved. Understand each of them:

  • 1st generation: the first wave of robotics that aimed to automate repetitive and operational processes of existing systems, making them safe and fast;
  • 2nd generation: in this second wave, the objective was to read unstructured data, making the robotization process more complex;
  • 3rd generation: in the third wave, robotization begins to become complicated, performing advanced data analysis functions;
  • 4th generation: in this wave arises the ability of robots to suggest solutions based on the analysis of the data made, regardless of their origin;
  • 5th generation: this wave is the top one because the use of cognitive intelligence algorithms begins with the robot’s ability to learn over time and provide solutions according to requests and interactions with the human being.

In Practice, How RPA Works In The Corporate Environment

Fortes Technology, for example, already develops software capable of automating routines for accountants and corporate managers, thus streamlining the day-to-day work of these professionals.

Personnel professionals and accountants, for example, have many routine jobs automated when using Fortes systems. One of the automated tasks is features that generate employee payrolls.

RPA With The Internet Of Things

RPA is all about the Internet of Things. Because IoT uses the highest level of RPA to automate processes and make human life more enjoyable and exciting.

A refrigerator produced with the Internet of Things technology, for example, needs to transform data into automatic processes. And for that, it collects information about routine activities on the user’s part and starts to do the service alone.

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