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Discover Five Tips To Avoid App Development Failures

App Development: It’s hard to go a day without using at least one app. After all, you have this resource to buy online, send messages, call transport to move around the city, and so on.

The development of apps is already the main business of many companies, aiming to offer a quality product that engages the end-user.

Developing an app consists of creating a specific program for mobile devices. To do so, it is necessary to carry out market research, design the design and characteristics of the product, define languages ​​and technologies that must be used, carry out tests and launch the app.

Not making mistakes when creating your app is critical to ensuring good usability, positively impacting the user experience, and engaging them. So, in this post, we will show you five tips to avoid failures when developing your app. Check out!

Define A Persona

Many companies focus on the app’s niche and audience but don’t create a persona. This neglect can lead to a program that does not meet the actual demands of the end-user.

To create the app persona, it is necessary to build a fictional character, taking into account accurate data and information about the behavior and desires of potential customers. With this, the app’s development is directed to the peculiarities of the user, facilitating the adhesion of its proposal and its functions.

Ensure Product Focus

A misconception when building applications is that the greater the resources, the more people will use them. However, it should be noted that an application does not become popular by offering several functions but by efficiently solving a problem.

Integrating all the features on your website into your app, for example, can confuse it. The ideal is to opt for a focused and minimalist set of resources, optimizing navigation between screens and, consequently, the user experience.

Create Prototypes

Creating a prototype — the initial model of the app — is indispensable to preventing errors and is crucial to validating your project’s ideas and concepts. In this way, the company does not run the risk of investing time and money in a project that does not prove to be viable.

In addition, the prototype brings agility to the development of the app. The reason is that, when testing it in practice, the programming team starts to respond quickly and more effectively to the detected needs.


Applying tests only at the end of the application can generate a big headache for your team of programmers. That’s because fixing flaws and bugs become more complex, increasing the chances of the app not delivering the promised usability to its audience.

Therefore, testing the application in its development stages is highly recommended with each newly integrated function. This initiative contributes to the rapid identification and correction of problems. Some of the tests that should be performed are:

  • compatibility: checks if the application has any computing problems with the operating system it will run on;
  • mobility: checks the app’s communication with other applications;
  • usability: analyzes the solution’s optimization for the end-user experience;
  • performance: points out bottlenecks in the system, predicts the response time for commands triggered by users, and gathers information to improve the application’s functioning;
  • synchronization: measures the efficiency of data sharing between the app and other systems;
  • security: shows if the personal and sensitive data used on the platform are safe;
  • Functional: evaluates whether the functions defined as requirements in the initial project were implemented successfully.

Focus On Product Evolution, Not Bug Fixes

The development of an application does not end when the product is completed and released to the market. If so, the solution may become outdated and fail to meet the demands of its users, causing them to migrate to other apps.

It would help if you were concerned about designs and app user flows. In this sense, applying A/B tests, which continuously compare the solution versions to improve their performance, is recommended.

The tips cited here eliminate risks and failures in app development. Another vital point for the excellent performance and productivity of your programming team is to invest in automated tests, which standardize the evaluation of the application, and record all the tests applied and the results obtained, improving the quality control of the process.

Also Read: Check Out Five Benefits Of Using Instant Messaging Apps

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