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Check Out Five Benefits Of Using Instant Messaging Apps

Messaging Apps: Interactions between brands and consumers, in the past, were limited to live, phone or mail experiences. Then, through email, SMS, chat and social networks. More recently, instant messaging has started to gain strength.

That is, instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp. So, if you have a company, know that, in a short time, this type of communication will become essential. After all, what is instant messaging and how to use it in your company’s day today? Instant messaging is a form of communication via the internet, through a tool (application or software). Its objective is to offer a real-time dialogue between its users. 

What communication channels does your company offer to customers? Increasingly, the range of options increases and organizations need to be attentive to be where customers are. Within an omnichannel strategy, written instant messages on channels such as Messengers and WhatsApp should be part of this plan.

So, first of all, let’s understand what instant messaging is and how to work with it in communication with your client. If you take longer than this time to respond to your customers, most of them will not be satisfied. 

And maybe it was not even necessary to point out the importance of keeping satisfied customers in your company. Still, the fact is that satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal customers and loyal customers generate more profit for companies.

Sending messages has changed the way we communicate. Whether personal, political or business, relationships large and small can be defined through the very popular instant messaging app conversations that nearly everyone uses daily. 

A Market Of Millions

In the late 90s, the exchange of messages via SMS became a fever; currently, this technology is practically outdated. In its place came instant messaging applications.

To give you an idea, WhatsApp has 1.5 billion active users per month. WeChat (very popular in Asia) has 1 billion. In addition, Snapchat, in which messages are erased after being read, is a fever among teenagers, another 187 million.

Behind these numbers, there are multiple business opportunities  – many of them still in development or far from being invented. Check below some of the benefits for those who use these applications.

Five Benefits Of Using Instant Messaging

Segmented Audience segmentation is a crucial part of marketing campaigns. By using instant messaging applications, the company can share content with just one person or a small group of people. In this way, WhatsApp, for example, allows you to create unlimited groups of up to 100 people.

More Personal Communication

The emergence of social networks has provided a unique opportunity for companies to communicate with customers on a  two-way street. In this way, instant messaging applications take that communication further and more personally.

Personalized Interaction

People like to communicate with other people, and even on a social network like Facebook, responses are usually standardized. Instant messaging applications allow the company to solve problems quickly and in a unique way for one of them.

Greater Reach

The big advantage of instant messaging applications for businesses is the delivery rate. On Facebook, less than 5% of a brand’s followers view each post organically. According to a survey by research institute Litmus, only between 20% and 30% of marketing messages are opened in an email.

Furthermore, in applications like WhatsApp, almost 100% of users at least see all the messages they receive. The higher engagement rate is that, generally, when users receive these messages, they have previously opted in to receive them. That is, they are already interested in the brand.

Greater Engagement

In addition, instant messaging applications have almost unparalleled engagement potential because the message can be segmented, personalized, responded to faster, and reach the customer more efficiently.

In this way, messages sent using this technology are opened and read in minutes. The delivery of the message and the communication process between brand and user becomes much more efficient.

Also Read: What it Takes To Develop A Successful App

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