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HomeMarketingThe Perfect Facebook Post: What To Post for Best Results

The Perfect Facebook Post: What To Post for Best Results

Facebook: Get a lot of likes, comments, and clicks? At this point, we asked ourselves the best way to create a perfect post. And after all, does the ideal position exist? We have prepared some tips to help you make an excellent post on Facebook in this article.

Check out our examples, tips, and strategies below, test them on your publications, and watch your publication’s reach and impact grow!

The Perfect Facebook Post Is A Link

First of all, on this point, we are very emphatic: the perfect post on Facebook is a link! For some time, it was believed that images encouraged more engagement. However,  studies by Facebook itself indicate that relations gain more clicks than images.

The findings of this study indicate that links, when properly presented, have much higher engagement than images. But after all, what is the difference (aesthetics) of the publication between links and images? And how to publish the link correctly? Links receive information from the page’s meta tags, adding the title, image, and content. Therefore, by adding a link in the Facebook text box, the information will automatically appear in the proper format.

Images are that type of post where you upload a photo for publication. It is alone when publishing an image, under all the text content added. In the description of an image, it is possible to add any text, including links. And it’s these kinds of connections that fail to engage your audience!

First, to post a link, copy and paste the URL into the Facebook text box, and after the data is loaded, remove the text with the connection. So, if you are using Social-Pilot to make this post, or schedule its publication, make sure the option “Publish as an image?” is unchecked in the advanced options of the link.

The Perfect Post Is Small!

Blitz metrics studies conducted with 11,000 Facebook pages prove that the shorter the post, the higher the engagement. The Track Social website also confirmed this effect. As we can see in the chart below, posts with fewer characters are better accepted.

When creating a post, keep this tip in mind and keep character counts in mind. Also, remember that the text is just an invitation to the reader, complemented by the text and title of the link itself.

The Perfect Post Is Made During Off-Peak Hours

First, contrary to what many believe, sending posts at “peak social” times is not a good strategy. At these times, the news feeds are “congested,” causing your post to compete with hundreds of other positions! If you post while few other people post, your post has a better chance of being seen.

And it’s not just the Social-Pilot team that has identified this trend. Social media experts like the Track Maven team have also been studying this effect and finding data to prove it! They conducted a study of 5,800 Facebook pages and analyzed over 1.5 million posts, reaching some conclusions about best Facebook publishing practices.

Publish On Saturdays And Sundays And Weekdays After Business Hours

We can quote the sentence of the study, in free translation, which sums up this principle very well: First, the chart shows that the best time to publish is between 5 pm (5 pm) and 1:00 am on weekdays. Also, try posting during the weekends to boost your audience’s engagement.

The Perfect Post Is Part Of A Consistent Publishing Strategy

Social media experts  Mark Schaefer and Tom Webster analyzed more than 8,000 Facebook pages to identify how brands were affected by the decline in the reach of Facebook pages.

This study identified that 70% of the pages had up to 30% of organic reach decreased on Facebook. These numbers may seem alarming, and in a way, they are. Still, throughout the study, they came to some conclusions, looking at the most successful pages, which show how to prevent decreasing reach, and increasing engagement on pages.

Here’s What All Successful Pages, According To This Study, Have In Common:

  1. All have a passionate audience
  2. All post extremely relevant content (at least for the target audience in question)
  3. They publish consistently! At least once a day, and sometimes even more
  4. They receive a lot of shares, which helps in the “virilizations” factor of the content

Finally, no matter the size of your pages, we know that you have an audience passionate about the subject you share (after all, isn’t that why they liked your page?). Let’s also assume that your content is excellent. So, what’s the difference between your page and the success pages?


All the successful pages of this study were posted at least once a day, generating an expectation in their audience for their content.

If you don’t have a lot of time investing in social media and content creation, create an editorial calendar to manage your content. In addition, you can use your old content to create a new one,  as we explain in this post. Plus, you can use tools like Social-Pilot to schedule your posts! This will significantly reduce the time spent on social media, leaving more time available for content creation!

What Is YOUR Perfect Post Like?

Hopefully, these tips have given you some ideas to test with your Facebook marketing strategy.

  • Do you get better engagement when you post optimized links or photos?
  • Does your audience respond well to posting in Facebook groups?
  • What is the perfect character count on your page?

Do you get more visitors by posting overnight and on weekends? Finally, we want to know what is working best for you! Leave in the comments your formula for creating the perfect post.

Also Read: Social Media For Companies: What For?

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