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How Can Technologies And Processes Help In Times Of Crisis?

Technologies and Processes: The economic instability we are experiencing due to the coronavirus pandemic is one of the most significant consequences that organizations are facing.

In this scenario, it is necessary to seek viable alternatives to remain active and competitive in the market, such as investing in technology and processes in times of crisis.

This crisis is forcing many companies to adapt to cost reductions, but exceptions exist. While one part streamlines the business, the other does the opposite: it invests in technology aiming at better times through the automation of internal and external processes generated by adopting software, including management.

It would help if you focused your efforts on the moment of resumption. Among the actions you can take is using software to assist in the management; after all, the lack of knowledge of management tools is one of the main problems for SMEs. In addition, the aid proposed by the government can be a good way out.

What To Do In Times Of Crisis?

Technology can help your company fight the crisis because it deals with essential aspects of the business: relationships, processes, and products.

These three aspects must be reconsidered in times of crisis and improved upon. It is widespread in these situations that companies only seek to save and reduce as much as they can. But for these three items, the word of the day is to optimize!

How To Use Technology In Favor Of My Company?

Several resources and tools available on the market, free and paid, can help you face times of crisis and prepare for the resumption. Let’s meet?

Relationship Platforms

Technology can help your company fight the crisis because it allows you to strengthen your relationship with your customer. The new platforms are excellent channels to improve communication between all audiences, such as employees, suppliers, and customers.

Thus, you can position your brand more optimally, improve the quality of your services and increase the speed of responses. In addition, these new tools can provide powerful insights into the preferences and behavior of these audiences that are so important to your business.


Nowadays, the use of data is essential for any company in any segment. But it is not enough to store this data; it is necessary to know how to use it best.

Therefore, betting on Big Data, Analytics, or Business Intelligence tools, for example, are great options to differentiate your business. With these platforms, you can get strategic data by monitoring, managing, and sharing data. This information can help you rethink strategies, review processes, and detect failures and delays in your business.

Process Automation

One of the simplest and most effective ways to innovate within your company is to improve internal processes. That’s because these changes will directly affect the entire business and the final product.

Therefore, data analysis, as mentioned above, reviews the problem area or unnecessary time spent on operational activities. After identifying these points, use tools to optimize these processes, such as scanning and automation. This way, you eliminate what may be harmful and make your operation more effective!

Cloud Computing

We’ve already talked about cloud computing around here, but it’s always important to remember: it’s the key for any company to innovate!

Especially in times of crisis, the cloud can be the way to reduce costs and improve your service’s performance.

Why Invest In Technology During The Crisis?

It is a fact that companies are increasingly looking for ways to reduce errors, rework and costs, as well as increase their revenue and expand their business. However, digital transformation is bringing about significant changes in social relationships, especially in customer demands. Therefore, one of the main reasons to invest in technology is to optimize the customer experience.

But how do you invest in technology during a crisis? We’ve separated some tips to help you in this process!

Get Access To Critical Information

Having quick access to information about the management of your company is essential for you to make decisions quickly and assertively. For example, do you know how often your customers buy? Do you know the average revenue for each one? This data is essential; after all, you will know if purchases are decreasing, and you will be able to call your customer and understand what is happening.

In addition, having a complete record of all your customers becomes essential so that you can send promotions, special discount coupons, and emails congratulating you on a particular date and thus build a relationship.


It is known that people rely a lot on referrals from friends. It’s much easier to buy when someone you trust has already bought and liked it, right? And how about, when closing a sale, you ask for a referral from your customer? You can even offer some benefits, such as discounts on your next purchase or participation in sweepstakes.

Know Who Is A Reference

Knowing and studying the trajectory of those who are a reference in their segment can be a great source of ideas. Study in-depth other companies that are a reference in other areas, so you will know different strategies that can be applied in your business. But don’t forget to check if the strategies are applicable in your company or adapt to your reality.

Take Courses

During this quarantine period, several companies and colleges are providing courses in the most diverse areas for free and online. Enjoy and take some courses! You will surely learn new techniques, software, and strategies to help you overcome this crisis and be ready for resumption.

Also Read: How To Leverage Data Analysis With The Use Of Artificial Intelligence?

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