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HomeMarketingHow Many Times To Post A Day On The Main Social Networks

How Many Times To Post A Day On The Main Social Networks

Posting on social networks is part of everyday life for any company, from the smallest businesses to the largest corporations. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest enable interaction with consumers unthinkable even ten years ago.

However, forced and repetitive interaction can also tire the target audience. A question then arises:  how many times a day is it good to publish content on social networks? The social network has about 1 billion active users per month; it is the 5th most used, behind Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, and WeChat. In this sense, the digital profile of a business must seek engagement with an adequate frequency of publications: focus on quantity and the quality of content.

How Many Times To Post A Day

Fortunately, some companies specialize in social media that can help answer that question. One of them is Buffer, which focuses on managing and analyzing the performance of other companies on social media.

The company constantly evaluates how many times its customers should post per day on social media. The recommendation varies according to the chosen platform, as each has its specificities.

Below, check out tips on how many times to post a day on  each  of the leading social networks:


This is a social network aimed at sharing images and interests. Buffer has found that big brands often have good results by posting multiple times and indicates that five times a day is a good average.


This microblog is characterized by posts with a short lifespan. It is estimated that a tweet receives half of its interactions in the first 18 minutes. That is, this is the peak engagement time.

Buffer also found that audience engagement starts to wane after the day’s third tweet, indicating that this amount is optimal for this network.


This social network is the most difficult for companies to figure out how many times to post per day. For those who publish a lot of content, Buffer sees a  drastic drop in interactions. On the other hand, those who post little do not reach the full potential of their followers.

Therefore, it is recommended to post about ten times a week. That is, at least once a day and, in some cases, a second time. However, as a rule, twice a day is also considered an adequate number of posts.


According to Buffer, posting with a  high frequency does not result in a drop in engagement. However, it can be challenging to find quality images multiple times a day. Combining these two elements, the suggestion is to publish twice a day.

With a range of tools available that can boost a digital business, they are IGTV, reels, stories, highlights, and feed posts; in addition to the “Instagram store” option, aimed at sales, it is possible to increase your profit increasingly. And interaction with your followers and customers. The usage options allow for easier access, and finding your target audience may not be that difficult. It is essential to understand that these resources are not very viable if not used correctly. This implies planning for you to succeed and be able to sell more and more!


This is an eminently professional platform, not a personal one. Here, the habit is not to scan a large timeline stretch. So posting once a day is excellent. The network allows you to reach 60% of your potential audience, a perfect percentage.


Blogging is still not a lost art. On the contrary, it brings excellent results for companies, mainly due to the ease of being found in search engines. According to Buffer, companies that increase the number of posts from three to five times a month to six to eight times nearly double their audience reach. Therefore, it is recommended to publish twice a week.

Also Read: Social Media Content: How To Create Posts That Engage

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