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The Impact Of Digital Transformation On Business

The digital transformation began as a process of adapting companies, which are no longer manual and analog. Thus, management processes, data storage, product, and service offerings were digitized with computer devices and software connected to internal networks or the internet.

Access has also changed a lot. Today, most companies can look to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Big Data, and other innovations to reduce costs, create revenue, improve profitability, etc.  

In this context, we address the importance of adapting service to new times and the main trends for the future. That way, you can get ahead and take another leap in quality before your competitors. Continues!

Customer Relationship

First, the relationship with the customer has changed significantly. In addition to new purchase criteria, consumers form networks and constantly contact each other. Therefore, one person influences the opinion of the other, modifying the relationship with companies and between users of products and services.

As a result, company communication can no longer be addressed only to the mass without considering consumer networks. In addition, dialogue objectives have changed: we are no longer concerned only with the sale and seek to make loyal consumers brand advocates.

Dispute Between Competitors

Competition is no longer just a direct dispute with companies similar to ours. Today, various businesses and offerings meet the exact wants and needs, and competitors may come from less-expected locations.  

This is the case, for example, of a neighborhood market that now competes with food delivery apps and sees the threat of people losing the habit of cooking. Realize that there may be little or no similarity between the companies, but at some level, they compete with each other. 

The consequence is that companies need to build good relationships with their customers and increase the power of influence of their brands. Therefore, organizations face the continuous challenge of serving their audience well in a current way.

Data Storage 

The storage and use of data have also changed a lot. In the past, organizations needed robust IT structures to preserve information, which resulted in significant software and hardware investments. In addition, the collection to support business strategies resulted from external or internal research with structured data. Something that demanded time and workforce and had an updated deficit.

Today, Cloud Computing has made storage more accessible, and business processes constantly feed on information. By the way, with Big Data analysis and data mining, it is possible to generate qualitative information from this volume –– which, in principle, is accumulated in a random and unstructured way. This accumulation of data is practically instantaneous and automatic, as well as its organization.

Innovation Process 

The way of innovating is another point that has changed. In the past, the focus was on minimizing errors and costs and seeking to develop the finished product even though the tests could generate high expenses. 

Now the solutions are put to work and tried out. Not only is feedback part of the development process itself, but agility has become a relevant component of the innovation stages. 

Value Offer 

Value delivery is the last point where digital transformation has affected the business. Consumers change their demands much faster, so the company cannot rely on a single, lasting offer. 

In addition, the expectation is more agility and focus on results, especially in service processes. And all this has consequences for the company’s relationship practices with its current and potential contractors. 

It is worth noting that the transformation is responsible for optimizing processes in these five areas. Reducing costs, minimizing bureaucracy, automating tasks, and other actions are expected efficiency gains when the company goes through a digitalization process.

Also Read: RPA: An Evolution That Automates And Brings Results

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