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Backdoor: How Cyber Attacks Work In Companies

With the advancement of technology, many companies are adapting to the new reality of cyber attacks. However, even so, there are still many vulnerabilities since malware also develops every day.

One of these cyber threats is the backdoor, a malicious term in which hackers access your system, whether for the execution of cyber crimes or espionage.

This term refers to an access door to your system created through a program installed without the owner’s authorization. With this, a criminal will have access to your company’s computer, and its occurrence usually happens due to a security breach.

Thinking about it, we prepared this text so that you understand more about how these attacks work in companies, the characteristics of a backdoor, and how to avoid it. Good reading!

What Are Cyber Attacks?

Cyberattacks are attempts by cybercriminals to damage or destroy a network of systems. These invasions can expose confidential business data or use it as a form of extortion, for example.

These attacks are also called cybercrime, electronic crime, and computer crime. There are many ways to invade a network; however, attacks are normally mostly silent, making them very difficult to identify.

A company subject to a cyber attack can suffer great losses; after all, there is a lot of important data and information in these corporate networks. Therefore, you should pay attention to this fact and consider this type of crime very serious and harmful to business.

Among the existing types, we can highlight the backdoor, a type of “Trojan horse” in which a criminal can access your system.

From the moment it is installed, the hacker can, for example, install files, delete files, send emails, view data, and use your system for criminal purposes.

What Are The Characteristics Of A Backdoor Attack?

Simply put, a backdoor is a malware that denies common authentication processes to access a system. This is a way to allow cyber criminals to access computers remotely.

From this perspective, the cybercriminal can access resources within an application, such as file servers and the company’s database . This allows him to manipulate system commands and update malicious codes.

The backdoor can be installed on both hardware and software components. It can also be spread through infected apps on smartphones or even smartwatches.

Finally, we can say that the backdoor is a model of a “Trojan horse” since it enables the infection or access to a system, allowing its remote control.

From there, the attacker can modify or even completely delete your files, in addition to running software or sending mass emails.

How To Avoid Backdoor Attacks?

To insert efficient protection methods against malware, it is first necessary to consider the separation of backdoors into two models: those already installed in systems/applications (built-in) and those that seek to be installed by malicious means.

The problem is that those already installed are quite difficult to detect, making combat difficult. In this situation, it is critical to have confidence in the user and manufacturer community and the periodic reviews.

In contrast, the other type of backdoor malware is partially easier to fight since there are good practices and effective security solutions to avoid it. See what they are below.

Network Activity Monitoring

Any abnormality in system data could indicate that someone is using a backdoor. Therefore, it is essential to use firewalls and tracking solutions to monitor the activities of all applications used.

Investment In Cybersecurity Solutions

Efficient anti-malware solutions (such as antivirus and firewalls) are powerful resources that prevent cyber criminals from deploying trojans and other threats to exploit backdoor vulnerabilities.

It is essential to have an advanced antivirus program capable of detecting and preventing various malware. It would help if you were looking for vulnerabilities like trojans, crypto hackers, spyware, and rootkits.

The software will detect and eliminate the backdoor before it infects your system. A good antivirus program also offers solutions like Wi-Fi monitoring, an advanced firewall, web protection, and webcam and microphone privacy enforcement to ensure users are safe online.

Use Of Strong Passwords

Easy, repeatable passwords, whether inside or outside a company, are a great way to create backdoors indirectly. Thus, in addition to investing in a strong password for each application, it is essential to use multifactor authentication.

Choice Of Trusted Apps And Plugins

One of the most common backdoor installation methods is using apps and plugins that appear to be legitimate.

In these cases, the best way to defend yourself is to ensure the trusted and verified reputation of the solutions used on all enterprise devices. It is important that the company also invest in training to improve its team’s cybersecurity practices.

Attention To Downloads

Backdoors are constantly bundled with seemingly trustworthy free programs, files, and applications. When downloading anything from the Internet, you should check whether you’re only getting the file you’re looking for or whether there’s any malicious software bundled with it.

Even a file that passes as the original can be infected with a trojan. Therefore, always try downloading solutions from official websites, avoid those pirates, and install an antivirus with real-time protection.

Anyway, cyber-attacks, especially the backdoor, are quite harmful to businesses. It would help if you fought this virtual evil to avoid problems that can take a big proportion in the company.

Also Read: Identify And Address The Vulnerabilities In Information Security

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