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Branding: How To Work On Managing Your Brand

The importance of branding for a business is enormous, as this strategy is linked to the generation of brand value. With it, a unique perception of a company’s products and ideals is created in the minds of consumers.

For this, it is essential to strengthen your relationship actions, manage communication strategically and offer a good experience to customers. It is also necessary to stand out, create a competent marketing plan, and deliver greater added value.

Is your business being represented in the market the way you would like? If the answer is no, learn some tips on how to create a successful branding strategy!

The Importance In The Digital Age

The web has revolutionized the interaction between consumers and companies. With this transformation, crafting a memorable brand is crucial.

Digital marketing has generated several branding opportunities, focusing on the online environment and using technologies to attract the public, eliminating borders and limitations.

Virtual users do not tolerate invasive and uncharismatic brands, as they are more educated and demanding — that is, they know exactly what they want. People generally make their first contact with a company through searches or social media.

Digital branding goes beyond visual identity. Analyzing the products/services, evaluating concepts, and generating useful values are necessary. This is the only way to build a company’s online personality, encouraging the engagement of people who visit the site or interact on digital channels.

The aim is to stimulate curiosity and positively engrave the brand in the minds of the clientele: the first impression is what lasts.

Internet Branding Elements

Now that you’ve learned how branding needs to work virtually, it’s time to learn about some factors that deserve special focus in your strategy.


It can take months or years to build an exemplary reputation on the internet; however, in a few slips, it can be lost.

Therefore, the proposal must be unique and innovative. The disclosed contents must be authentic and attractive for the brand to be a reference. In this way, it gains prominence and authority in the segment, becoming the first option for many consumers.

A great example is Coca-Cola, which has been operating since 1886 and has been a leader in the beverage segment for over a century. The giant only built a strong brand after a while; it needed to understand the motivations of its consumers to generate credibility in the market. For this, it has constantly reinvented itself and evolved to live up to its slogan: “Open happiness.”


Developing a brand identity is one of the most relevant steps for branding, as it represents, in visual terms, what you are marketing.

This characteristic also attributes attractive values ​​to the products. For this, it is necessary to analyze the positive aspects of each item so that they are highlighted.

A peculiar case of identity is Red Bull, a company that manages to sell energy drinks without mentioning that it sells this type of drink. Your goal is to put your energy and lifestyle in evidence. For this, she invests heavily in content marketing, using videos and posts on social networks, especially on Instagram.

Its target audience, which includes people aged 18 to 29, is hyperconnected. Therefore, the brand’s digital influencers (relevant people from the sport) are invited to place more emphasis on its identity and, at the same time, attract new consumers.


How will the target audience be reached? What contact methods will be used, and what is each person’s perception of the brand through these means?

Visibility is linked to the company’s channels available to the public, such as apps, ads, blogs, chats, emails, and social media.

Here, Netflix’s case fits like a glove, as the brand had an innovative vision that hooked different consumer profiles worldwide. After all, who prefers to avoid watching a program, series, film, or documentary in their spare time?

In a market where Blu-ray and HD movies were gaining prominence, this brand emerged to make leisure time more dynamic and intuitive. The success was overwhelming — more than 100 million subscribers  — as people gained the freedom to choose what they wanted to watch anytime, anywhere, or on any device.

How To Work With Branding On Digital Platforms

This task requires a lot of dedication on the part of the digital marketing team, but it can bring positive returns in the medium and long term. Check below what needs to be done.

Describe The Main Qualities And Benefits Your Brand Offers

There will always be businesses with more resources to lead their market segment. Therefore, you need to offer something unique. Focus on the benefits that make your company unique. Present your target audience with some incentives to choose your brand over another.

It is more than just a list of functionalities your solutions offer the customer. Show how you generate values ​​that improve people’s lives.

See some examples:

  • authentic, objective, and transparent service;
  • saving time on daily tasks;
  • less bureaucracy;
  • optimizations to increase productivity;
  • cost savings with a more affordable option.

Create A Logo And Tagline

When you think of branding, the design comes to mind first. The most appropriate step in the brand-building process is to develop a slogan and a logo. After all, they can be your business card and identity. So invest time and resources in creating something magnificent to strengthen your company’s visual identity.

Look for a creative agency or designer to come up with something unique and timeless in your market segment.

A branded style guide should include the following:

  • symbol (logo) positioning and size;
  • color palette;
  • iconography;
  • typography and fonts;
  • web elements;
  • image elements.

Let Your Brand Personality Shine Through

Consumers don’t want companies to offer the same as every other brand. He likes an experience aligned with his demands, supported by memorable and genuine interaction.

Do you want to discover how to fix your brand unusually? Make your business mission stand out during the branding process. For this, consider all the details of the points of contact, such as:

  • communicate fully ;
  • Share behind-the-scenes content (product manufacturing, research, get-togethers, and meetings);
  • tell stories about real shopping experiences;
  • Uniquely present your goods and services.
  • With these actions,  customer retention is a consequence.

Control The Consumer Experience

How to find out if the branding is a success? The number one mistake some managers make is comparing the volume of customers reached by marketing campaigns with sales. Yes, this needs to be corrected!

Measuring the captured consumers is the correct way to know if you are on the right path. A good way to do this is through brand interaction analysis, such as:

  • number of accesses;
  • conversations on social networks;
  • brand mentions on the web;
  • evaluations on the website and social pages;
  • growth of referral consumers.

If the customer’s experience is memorable, the results will be positive — which can naturally and progressively put your company in the spotlight.

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