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How Is Technology Revolutionizing Marketing?

Far from just advertising a product to its consumers, marketing brings together strategies that optimize a company’s profits.

In addition to being essential to generate value, it makes the production and supply of goods adequate to the needs and preferences of customers. A company that creates a good communication strategy that outperforms the competition finds it easier to sell, leverage its growth, retain customers and win new ones. 

Studying the behavior of the market, marketing also becomes crucial to reach the public efficiently and still predict the future demand of what it intends to offer.

Marketing Evolution

A lot has changed in marketing, and this evolution is constant. In the fantastic world of the internet, even individuals use advertising strategies. Of course, since the beginning of this century, this growth has been more expressive, but it has not started now. It can be said that this transformation has existed since sales began in the world.

To highlight the company in the market’s preferences, marketing is developed according to society’s changes. Companies have started to create new ways of approaching the public and promoting their products or services more personally.


Technology began to influence the world in a revolutionary way when the internet was born. It is the fastest-growing means of exchanging information and data and is used for virtually any daily activity. 

As a result, television and radio were means of communication that had to reinvent themselves. It was necessary to change the way of making entertainment, not only because of the attractiveness but because its audience migrated quickly to the virtual environment.

Mobile Universe 

From the slow dial-up internet to the current optical fiber that shows results in fractions of a second through a computer or smartphone. The way information is accessed wholly changed. 

With all this change, the way of marketing had to adapt its strategies to the mobile universe. With the emergence of social networks, even the way of living has changed. People can always be connected in these spaces, regardless of where they are. It has changed behavior and even learning, which directly impacts how advertising is consumed.

Digital Marketing

Marketing needed to promote products or brands through digital media. As the internet has become the primary means of exchanging information globally, the form of advertising has had to adjust.

Even with traditional marketing roots, several new techniques are developed every day. The virtual environment allows the company to know even more about its consumer profile, and, as already mentioned, it manages to target its product better. 

In this same context, Inbound Marketing emerges. This strategy consists of a series of online actions to attract traffic to a website and works to convert these hits into consumers. It’s a more personalized way of using content to attract new customers.

Traditional Marketing vs. Digital Marketing

Faced with this whole scenario of evolution, in addition to traditional media, companies need to invest more and more in digital solutions. For some of them, offline marketing, that is, advertising on billboards, television, and radio, no longer makes sense. Despite its significant impact, it can reach an audience not interested in what the company offers.

Hardly anyone who doesn’t have children would be interested in advertising children’s diapers. This analogy is a way to understand traditional marketing because this type of advertising is invasive, and its investment can be wasted. It is not possible to measure it. 

Despite the competition, it is possible to monitor the audience’s level better in digital marketing. Value for money and focus generally give an excellent return. In addition, the internet allows an engagement that practically does not exist in traditional media. Generating interactions, bringing the company closer to the public, winning new customers, and retaining them becomes more accessible. 

The great advantage is the market segmentation, which ends up having a very positive impact on the company’s results. Understanding who your audience is and what their interests are, the way to improve the product is more assertive.

Also Read: How To Develop A Marketing Plan In 7 Steps

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