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IIoT Challenges You Must Overcome In Your First Project

IIoT: Increasingly, the technologies arising from I4.0 enter organizations to make them more competitive and automated. This is the case with the IIoT.

It is a valuable ally of the industry. It already guarantees considerable space in the world’s factories, which is considered essential for the future of the segment by the WEF ( World Economic Forum). 

Isolated Focus On IIoT Systems

A widespread challenge in IIoT projects is trying to implement IIoT systems in isolation. Before starting the project, it is essential to ask yourself questions such as: 

  • In which processes will the technology make business sense? 
  • What are the organization’s weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and threats? 
  • What changes will drive value to customers?

In other words, the project should not be analyzed only from a technological point of view but from a business perspective.

It is essential to consider the organization’s actual needs and how this will translate into customer value. What is applicable for that company will not always be equally effective for yours. 

Thinking You Need To Get Rid Of All Legacy Machinery

Although acquiring new equipment is essential at some point, it is not necessary to change it all at once. This is because it is possible to make improvements little by little.

However, IT infrastructure can be a big challenge. You can’t talk about IIoT applications, as well as technologies like AI, not to mention cloud and edge computing. The cloud is the most technologically appropriate environment to process, store and make available a high volume of data that will be handled in real-time.

The edge is because this technology should show up more in the industry, significantly reducing latency and increasing processing speed and dependence on the cloud. 

For example, edge computing solutions allow IoT sensors to connect to new and legacy machinery, and their flexibility helps companies in the digital transition process. Gartner has even considered it one of the strategic technologies for the coming years, as it helps combat communication and connectivity problems.

Thinking That You Can Only Start When The Project Planning Is 100% Ready

Technology changes very fast. Therefore, waiting to start the project only when the planning is perfect and wholly finalized will make it obsolete when it is taken off the paper, as this can take years.

In this context, failing and learning fast is better than building a complete project to realize it’s a mistake.

Making POCs and MVPs will avoid an excessive expenditure of energy, time, and resources, in addition to being less bureaucratic. This will allow you to quickly identify value or lack of weight and with the project on a much smaller scale, reducing unnecessary risk.  

Using lean thinking is essential. The main point is to understand that an idea is unlikely to get off the ground and, when executed, be perfect the first time. Perfection results from daily actions that make today’s processes better than yesterday. The ability to adapt quickly will be crucial to the success of projects.

Find It Unnecessary To Worry About Security From The Start

Finally, the IIoT comes up against security issues. In a smart factory, the entire value chain is integrated and, with devices connected from the edge to the center, more prone to attack. 

Securing a network of distributed devices is a challenge for IIoT projects that cannot be underestimated, therefore, by organizations. Starting with access controls, constant updates, and other data protection mechanisms will guarantee protection against threats.  

To deal with sensitive data, such as customers, suppliers, orders, marketing, and logistics, it is also essential to verify from the beginning that the treatment complies with the LGPD, to avoid sanctions, and to have the confidence of the market.

The law guides and clarifies how industries must organize data collection to avoid information loss and maintain transparency throughout the process.

Also Read: How Can Technologies And Processes Help In Times Of Crisis?

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