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HomeBusinessImpacts Of An Integrated IT Solution On Business Results

Impacts Of An Integrated IT Solution On Business Results

Business Results: Managing a company’s resources efficiently and objectively is a complicated task. With the role of generating value that IT has been assuming in the digital transformation era, this process has become even more challenging.

However, it tends to give a company a significant competitive advantage if done intelligently. In this context, the need for an integrated IT solution grew. Its implementation has become a significant trend, and it is necessary to be attentive to adapt to it. With that in mind, we will show in this post how the system works, including its main advantages and some essential tips for implementing it.

Integrated IT Solution: What Is It?

Since the first industrial revolution and the creation of the first companies, systems integration has been a natural trend, thanks to technological advances. Organizations are concerned with the quality of their products, the health and safety of employees, and various issues that encompass professionals from the most varied backgrounds.

This means that the manager has to mediate the decisions and processes that align with everyone’s work. The result is the constant emergence of management techniques and methodologies. However, the growth of a given area tends to ramify it, creating this need within it as well.

This is what has been happening in the IT sector. With the boom of new technologies and possibilities in recent decades, professionals who were previously responsible for solving problems have become essential parts of the company. Innovation passes directly through IT and its different tools.

As a result, management has become an increasingly challenging process. In response, specialized companies developed integrated solutions to unify control of these resources.

In practice, we are talking about software responsible for the entire internal communication structure of the company — as well as between it and its customers. For example, IT inventory management and help desk systems are now integrated.

Communication is optimized, enabling more efficient real-time management, which has unified control over IT processes. Consequently, the company can automate various services in a digital environment, such as customer service (even if it is remote ).

Just as a team’s decision-making process is centralized in the manager, to optimize the sector’s actions, the system centralizes the tools in a single solution. The manager and IT professionals stop accessing numerous tools to use only one resource during their activities.

Use And Applications Of Integrated IT Solutions

The concept of an integrated IT solution is quite simple, but it can seem a bit abstract without a more realistic view of its applications. Therefore, here we will take a more in-depth look at two systems in which implementation impacts are incredibly positive.

Intelligent Help Desk System

Serving your customers with quality requires the development of personalized service. However, with an independent help desk system, this goal is almost impossible to achieve. After all, the service becomes hostage to the limitations of the system.

An integrated IT solution makes it possible to implement an Intelligent Help Desk. The first impact that this causes is the increase in the number of available functions and the agility in executing each of them. You can manage stations, servers, phones, and tablets from a single control panel.

The user, in turn, now has the One Click function to open tickets. In other words, from the workstation itself, he can request service with a single click. The process gains in agility, efficiency, and comfort.

In addition, the Desktop agent is customizable and offers complete reports on calls, including call history. The most exciting thing is that these are not similar functions but integrated ones.

If the user needs to continue service on a different channel, it can be done immediately—  no rescheduling required. The system starts to operate as a complete tool to meet all user demands.

IT Inventory System

Every company has numerous resources, whether physical (hardware) or digital (software). Roughly speaking, the IT inventory lists all these items, plus various relevant information linked to the — technical data, date of purchase, serial number, installation location, last maintenance date, etc.

An integrated IT system optimizes access to this information, offers new functions, and even automates specific processes. The generation of reports, for example, facilitates the management and monitoring of the life cycle of each piece of equipment.

However, the integrated system has a significant differential for this type of service: it becomes an additional tool for customer service. To understand how this works, imagine that a customer has opened a ticket and wants to consult a particular asset.

Instead of leaving him waiting and asking those responsible for the inventory to collect the information, the attendant himself accesses the online system. First, it informs which of the users (customers) it wants to consult the inventory — which can be done in a selection box that contains the list with the names.

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