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HomeBusinessIT Resource Management: What Is It And How To Do It?

IT Resource Management: What Is It And How To Do It?

Resource Management: The management of IT resources aims to preserve and optimize the assets allocated in the area by all companies of any size or sector.

Among the benefits of IT resource management are the following:

  • risk control in areas controlled by the sector;
  • the optimization of results, metrics, and indicators;
  • making more assertive decisions;
  • increased productivity in the area;
  • information security and data and more. 

Does your company use the internet? Is there file sharing between professionals through servers, emails, or cloud computing platforms in the day-to-day business? 

Can some company processes, such as financial management, be carried out through technological support? Is the work you do for your client at least partially dependent on technology? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, know that IT resource management should be a concern.

Through it, you as a manager will be able to identify which technologies can help your company achieve its goals, as well as identify which ones are bringing significant improvement results for the organization. 

More and more, All companies depend on technology, and to avoid throwing money away, it is necessary to be aware of what it is and how it works in management.

What Is IT Resource Management?

The application of an IT resource management process has the objectives:

  • enable access to technology;
  • manage company data and information;
  • optimize business operations;
  • find the best solutions according to demand;
  • increase the return on investment in technology. 

In general, the management of IT resources focuses on finding the best technology solutions for the company, planning their implementation, monitoring the results, and making decisions according to what was collected.  

It is through IT management that a company makes bold decisions about which technologies to adopt and which to give up. 

How To Manage IT Resources?

The first concern of IT managers is to ensure that the acquired IT resources are aligned with the company’s overall objectives. 

Just like financial, marketing, and people management, IT management must start from the company’s strategic planning. 

Understand What The Institutional Goals Are 

To ensure efficient IT management, the first step is to align sector decisions with business objectives.  

This is the first step for your company to capture the right IT resources. The IT sector should be seen as a propelling agent for the company’s growth, making it easier for it to reach its goals, and therefore all actions should start from the goals defined for the business.

What Are The Business Processes Impacted

What impact do defined goals have on business processes? Each organizational process must be thought – and rethought – to achieve the company’s goals. 

The fact is that the goals established by companies impact business processes. After all, if you aim to increase revenue by 20%, your sales team will need a more effective process.

Doing the same thing you did last year will hardly give you a different result. Identifying which processes are slower within the company’s strategic areas is one of the ways to identify opportunities for using technology.

For example, does your marketing team spend a lot of time sending welcome emails to leads? It may be necessary to adopt marketing automation software to free them from this repetitive and time-consuming task. 

Does your sales team need to know when to follow up? A customer management CRM system makes the process more efficient by recording and notifying salespeople when to contact each customer in the pipeline. 

Does the HR team spend a lot of time controlling the time bank? A digital system could revolutionize this area. These are just a few examples of how technology can optimize your company’s processes.

Analyze IT Demand And Current Supply Capacity

What does the company have today as IT support? Analysis of the various areas of the sector, such as infrastructure and systems. This is the step of looking at how you – your company – are currently doing. Make a list of the resources offered and the results that each one presents.

Define Your Actions And Prioritize Them

With a list of current capabilities on the one hand and the company’s goals on the other, it’s time to look to the future and answer the question: what do we need to achieve our goals? 

Define projects at the operational, tactical, and strategic levels. Create a timeline with short, medium, and long-term actions. 

It will be necessary to prioritize the most emergency actions and create a date in the future for other activities; after all, your company hardly has enough time, workforce, and resources to put everything that was thought into practice at the same time.

Track Performance Indicators

Managing any company area continues when you put the new processes to work. Management is continuous and must monitor the results of the new policies adopted. 

For this, your company needs to continuously create and measure IT performance indicators to ensure that the results are satisfactory or to identify the need for changes.

Also Read: Project Portfolio Management: Understand What It Is

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