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Low Code: Is It Essential For Your Business?

Low Code development, with standard Code, facilitates the creation of applications and software in companies and has become a worldwide trend.

Low Code is transforming the way applications and software are developed. This concept is based on little programming code, which facilitates day-to-day business and reduces the operational demands of the Information Technology (IT) sector.

Low Code development is a worldwide trend, and there are already several options on the market for your company to adopt.

Understand What Low Code Is

Knowing what a Low Code tool is has become very important for companies; this technical term can be translated as “low code,” using little programming code in developing apps and software.

This alternative to traditional development uses complex programming language and requires specialized professionals, making the process more time-consuming and expensive.

Even though it continues to demand someone with basic knowledge of Information Technology, Low Code allows you to create an application from drag-and-drop tools based on pre-made models that can be adapted to what the business needs, reducing IT demands.

When To Use Low Code? Application Examples:

Low Code development can be applied in different situations, having been widely adopted by companies with little programming knowledge. Some more common examples are:

  • Business processes: Low Code platforms allow the digitization and automation of business processes, as it is possible to create applications with their own business rules. They can supervise, execute and improve activities, with many gains for the organization.
  • Customer Applications: Many companies are developing applications to interact with customers. With Low Code, creation is simplified and can be updated whenever necessary.
  • The software complements: even if the company has complex software, Low Code can be an essential tool. This is because it allows the simplified development of add-ons, speeding up creation.

Low Code Features

And do you know why Low Code simplifies application development so much? Because it has easy-to-use features.

Its entire operation is based on visual tools, allowing the developer to visualize the app before it is ready.

The Low Code platform has visual modeling based on graphic design, which allows a better understanding of what is being built.

The interface is simple, friendly, and intuitive, requiring little programming knowledge. In addition, it has drag and drop capabilities, which allows you to create just by dragging icons.

Other significant resources include the integration of data from different banks and the possibility of implementing the system in one click, the so-called one-button deployment.

Advantages Of Low Code

And it is no coincidence that Low Code tools are a global trend. This development model provides more dynamicity to the business routine, with many benefits for performance.

Agility To Develop Solutions 

Traditionally, systems programming is a very time-consuming process. Imagine the programming person spending hours and hours writing lines of Code manually.

Low Code streamlines development since development is based on pre-made models, with the possibility of adjustments according to the company’s needs.

Possibility Of Increasing Applications That The Company Already Uses

Even companies that already have robust software can benefit from Low Code. It is possible to increase the solutions used, creating complementary applications to optimize the use of these systems.

And all changes and increments are carried out with agility, making the organization more dynamic.

Cost Reduction With Low Risk

Investing in Low Code platforms offers low risk for the business, as it is cost-effective.

The resources initially invested are soon recouped through work optimization, intelligent application development, and more significant productivity, especially in the IT area.

Increased Productivity

Low Code eliminates the overload of the IT area. Technology professionals are focused on more strategic tasks, and bottlenecks are eliminated.

Even though Low Code requires IT support, the areas themselves manage to develop their solutions, which increases productivity and, of course, results.

Ease Of Implementation

Any new system or application changes will be easily implemented. In addition, the Low Code platform can be allocated in the cloud, which makes its use even more straightforward.

Optimizes The User Experience

Platforms are often easier to use, which improves the developer experience. In addition, the end customer is more satisfied, as it is possible to develop tools to enhance the delivery of products and services.

Low Code vs. No Code

In addition to Low Code, another trend in vogue is No Code. The two concepts are similar, but while Low Code uses little programming, No Code does not allow code editing.

Both facilitate application development and reduce IT demands. However, Low Code is aimed at developers, and No Code at business users, allowing little customization.

Also Read: Information Technology: Trends For The Future

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