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HomeCyberSecurityMain Types Of Attacks That Can Affect The Security Of Mobile Devices

Main Types Of Attacks That Can Affect The Security Of Mobile Devices

Security of Mobile Devices: First, it is interesting to know the main types of attacks that the company is susceptible to, so you will understand how information management will help prevent them.


Phishing consists of misleading the victim through a “bait” (such as an email) and making him access fake websites, provide personal data, perform online transfers, etc. This cyber attacks are divided into several subtypes:

  • bling phishing: mass emails are company’s links or attachments containing viruses;
  • meshing: bait is sent via SMS to cell phones;
  • scam: an attempt is made to “obtain “information from the victim by phone, email, social networks, or messages;
  • clone phishing: an original website is cloned, and users provide their data believing it to be the legitimate portal;
  • spear phishing: the attack is directed at a specific person or group of individuals;
  • whaling: here, the hacker’s targets are the company’s leaders or managers;
  • vishing: voice mechanisms are used to attract the victim’s trust and create a sense of urgency;
  • Pharming: Access to a legitimate website is manipulated to direct users to a fake portal.

Man In The Middle Attacks

Here the hacker intercepts access and replaces the IP addresses, causing the user to use a fake system. Here’s a hacker’s of how this attacks company’s in practice:

  • a user tries to connect to a server;
  • the hacker intercepts the victim’s connection and gains control of the client’s device;
  • the hacker exchanges the client’s IP address with your system;
  • the victim continues using the server, believing it to be the original.

Malicious Apps

A malicious application is specially created to collect information. Here’s the user who installed it through keyloggers, trojans, and other malware.

These apps generally hide their developers (so the hacker cannot be identified clients’ no comments or ratings, ask for clients than necessary, and are not available in the app store for long — they are removed when Google or Apple realizes that they are malicious.

Device Vulnerabilities

Even if the user takes the necessary precautions for security, it is possible that intruders can attack your smartphone. This is because hackers take advantage of vulnerabilities in devices with outdated operating systems.

Access To Unsecured Networks

Some hackers provide access to a wireless WIFI network to attract people who believe it is free internet. Accessing them is a big mistake; attackers make this network available to monitor user access.

How To Manage Smartphone Information Correctly

Companies can apply different strategies to improve the information management of their employees’ smartphones. Check out the main ones below.

Mobile Security Policy

A security policy contains rules on mobile devices that employees must follow. Among the guidelines that the document may include are:

  • mandatory to register the device with IT before using it at work;
  • how backups should be made ;
  • which protection software should be installed;
  • set up services for employees in the IT sector;
  • protection practices that must be followed;
  • the system must constantly be updated, among other standards.

This document can be done even if the business adopts BYOD, but the employee needs to understand the importance of following the policy. Therefore, hold meetings or booklets informing users about the importance of managing information security for smartphones.

App Control

To prevent the contributor from installing malicious applications, you can create a list of programs allowed to be installed on the smartphone.

However, the control software can be configured to prevent certain apps from being downloaded or accessed. Thus, changing the list of allowed applications is possible without regularly amending the security policy.

Constant Updates

Software updates include:

  • Fixes for security flaws.
  • Making it critical to require employees to keep the version of apps.
  • Antivirus.
  • Mobile operating systems (Android or iOS) up to date.


It is also necessary that the users themselves take care not to become victims of attacks. However, they hardly have the knowledge needed to protect themselves.

In that case, you can invest in employee education by requiring them to participate in security seminars, training, or courses. With this, employees will be able to identify phishing attempts and malicious apps, use stronger passwords, and more.


Another measure requires employees to install a good antivirus on their smartphones. As there are several antivirus alternatives for Android and iOS, the person in charge can identify the best option by analyzing their differentials. For example, some software may offer email protection and WIFI network analysis.

It is also relevant to consider the features of paid antivirus plans and verify that the business will use the extra features.


As devices have crucial information about the company, performing backups is essential. Its primary purpose is to recover data and files from the smartphone if it breaks, is stolen, or exchanged.

Device Location

The employee can locate and recover the lost, stolen, or stolen smartphone, avoiding financial damages or loss of files. Currently, this function is available from the factory on Android and iOS, but there are apps created especially for this.

The management of information security for smartphones is fundamental for developing a company. You can ensure that this management is done correctly with the support of a specialized and certified company in the area, manage the security of your company’s Smartphones.

Also Read: Cybersecurity: Threats And Trends To Watch Out For In 2022

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