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Scrum: Three Main Pillars For Your Business

The Scrum methodology is widely known in the technology world, mainly by software development teams, and it is a simple framework for elaborating complex projects. 

Even though the framework is simple and easy to understand, in general, the methodology is complex, and it is not always an easy task to master it daily, considering the rigidity of its application. 

For the results obtained through Scrum to be maximized, the methodology must be applied faithfully following the foreseen step by step.

What Is Scrum?

As defined by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwalbe: “Scrum is a lightweight framework that helps people, teams, companies and organizations generate value through adaptive solutions to complex problems.”

As previously mentioned, mastering the method is not easy, even though it is a relatively simple framework. That’s because, in Scrum, a set of rituals must be followed for your best use. In addition, Scrum has three pillars on which the actions to be carried out are based:

#1 Transparency

All aspects of the project must be visible to the manager, those directly responsible for the results, and others involved.

Understanding this, it becomes easier to understand that transparency also occurs through verbal or written communication and not only at scheduled times to discuss the project. 

To exemplify, we can identify transparency when the customer or product owner describes the characteristics expected in the final product/project or when the customer is free to comment on improvements and expectations during any partial delivery.

#2 Inspection

In addition, teams that adhere to Scrum need to carry out moments of verification of the progress of the process with an intermediate frequency. 

This is an essential point because it determines the quality of the delivery. Inspections that occur frequently can disrupt the team’s productivity, taking away focus and decreasing execution creativity. 

The opposite is also a problem because the team may not have enough time to improve the identified gap and adapt the solution.

 #3 Adaptation

Last but not least, we have adaptation. This pillar is responsible for ensuring that if one or more aspects of the process have deviated from the final objective, the execution of the product will not be impaired. 

We all know that what was designed at the beginning will not always make sense as a deliverable is developed. In the IT field, this is even more latent, as technologies and new needs arise every day. 

Insisting on a requirement or scope that no longer fits the project can be a big shot. This is the biggest gain of Scrum compared to other traditional process methodologies: the ability to adapt quickly.

Agile Methodology And Framework

You already know what Scrum is and also what pillars guide this methodology. But for the avoidance of doubt, it is necessary that you also understand the concept of agile methodologies and framework.

In general, frameworks are templates that provide different tools for the developer to create a flow in the project. To increase the team’s productivity, the framework helps solve a set of parameters in a more personalized and efficient way.

On the other hand, the agile methodology is a way of meeting customer criteria on an ongoing basis, where demands arrive in stages. Only when one is completed can the next step be taken.

When this occurs, the project evolves assertively and enables a more adaptable production, opening gaps to make changes during the process. In addition, it allows the hypotheses or expected features to be tested more quickly, changing the project scope whenever necessary.

Scrum Rites And Processes

Sometimes the technical terms used in project management to explain something can be more complex than how it works in practice. And this is the case with the vocabulary used in Scrum.

In one of our articles, we explain the roles, events, and documents that involve this methodology, but so that there are no more doubts, we will remember these concepts.

  • Sprints: is the name of the cycles of a project. Generally, these sprints can range from 15 to 30 days;
  • Product Backlog: refers to the set of project objectives. For software development projects, it is the name given to the collection of features to be developed in the project;
  • Sprint Planning Meeting: these are meetings that always take place at the beginning of each sprint, aiming to prioritize the Product Backlog items to be worked on in this cycle;
  • Daily Scrum: It is a short daily meeting or asynchronous point of contact between the entire team. The main objective of this moment is to make the team able to disseminate knowledge and solve possible bottlenecks that may occur during the execution of the tasks;
  • Sprint Review Meeting: The review meeting at the end of each sprint is called a review. The team responsible for executing the project will discuss the results obtained in the cycle, evaluate points that went well, and create debate on the problems encountered.

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