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HomeDigital MarketingThe Importance Of Personalization In Digital Marketing

The Importance Of Personalization In Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing: What makes your product or service different, and what makes your business unique and worthy of the customers it has conquered?

Knowing the answer to this question is one of the keys for the company to realize its value and develop a market strategy. It will be possible to understand the importance of personalization in digital marketing, searching for results for your brand. Personalization in digital marketing is one of the main trends for communication, and those who are executing this strategy are already reaping the results of customer loyalty.

Doing digital marketing in a personalized way demands from the communication team knowledge about the market, but mainly about the model customer. This ideal customer, also called a “persona,” is the one you would always like to sell to. When it is possible to draw this profile, it is natural for communication to gain characteristics that will talk to whoever you want to be closer to when doing business.

Personalizing Digital Marketing In Practice

Imagine that your business specializes in solar energy installation, capture, and generation projects. Your company must decide which type of public it wants to reach within this market, whether residential or commercial, for example. This point is fundamental because communication needs to be different even when dealing with the same product. 

When selling a solar energy project to the owner of a residence, its contents must explore the benefits aimed at this segment, while to sell to a business person or director of industry, the way of communicating needs to consider other aspects.

Therefore, those who put into practice Inbound Marketing strategies, also known as attraction marketing, can design relationship journeys for different stages of communication, from product presentation on the internet to post-sales.

Effects Of Digital Transformation

The way of communicating and marketing has changed along with society’s habits, it is increasingly necessary to know how to position your business in the digital environment, but in a world that offers content and information 24 hours a day, it is essential to understand how to communicate in a specific and timely manner. 

Personalization in digital marketing considers the target customer, the ideal moment and content, and the experience that the brand will provide to its customer or prospect. 

Online entertainment services allow everyone to choose what they want to watch and listen to whenever they choose, unlike the past decades when television and radio channels offered the same programming to everyone.

On social networks, your customers follow people who inspire them, and content distribution tools take into account users’ habits to deliver one or another type of content. In this scenario, it is extremely important to produce communication that has value to those who follow it, much more than simply selling the product, as in a magazine ad.

Integrated Communication As A Strategy

Seeing the changes in this market in the last decade, the Communication Structure began to promote Integrated Communication as a strategy to achieve its customers’ relationship with spontaneous media vehicles and position the businesses to create a consistent digital presence. 

Using digital marketing tools and platforms and all the experience of the team of communication professionals, Structure has already served clients from the most varied segments, from industries, services, and physical and online commerce.

“Our customers’ package is born from the conversation we have with them; when we know the expectations and the market, we trace a route, from there, we design what the business needs to think about the results. Suppose the client needs robust Inbound Marketing journeys. In that case, we gather the necessary knowledge to deliver. Still, if we identify that there is potential for publication in spontaneous media vehicles, we advise that this is also one of the segments that we can address in the contract; for this, we are confident to say that we offer an integrated communication service in practice”, explains an expert.

Also Read: Application Development And Digital Marketing

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