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Traffic Management: What It Is And What Types

Effective traffic management ensures a greater flow of visitors to your digital channels. This results in better positioning of your brand among competitors, greater public engagement, more potential customers, and, consequently, an increase in sales and revenue!

What Is Traffic?

Traffic is the flow of visitors who browse the pages of your digital channels – website, social networks, YouTube channel, or e-commerce. The more users access your digital media, the more chances your company has of being found on the Internet.

What Is Traffic Management?

Traffic management is a strategy for bringing more users to your website or social networks through advertisements. In this work, the traffic manager segments audiences (focusing on an audience interested in your product/service) and analyzes metrics to manage the visitors your channels are receiving. After all, there’s no point in receiving numerous visits but none of them being qualified to turn into a business, right?

Thus, in traffic management, which digital channels are the most suitable for your company are analyzed. The intent is to convert visitors into leads (potential customers) > leads into qualified leads > qualified leads into opportunities > and opportunities into customers.

Types Of Traffic

There are 6 types of traffic representing the path users take to reach your website or another digital channel. The two main ones are paid traffic (which is intrinsically linked to traffic management) and organic, but there are still social, referral, direct, and email marketing.

1 – Paid Traffic

With paid ads on Google, Facebook, or Instagram (to name the main ones), you increase the number of visitors to your pages. It’s a way to get more visibility online quickly and achieve short-term results. Best of all, the strategy can also be optimized to achieve more and more results in the medium and long term!

In this strategy, you can define the budget used in ad campaigns and target the audience you want to reach.

Google Ads

It is through Google that people are always searching, accessing, or watching something. Choosing strategic keywords for your business makes it easier to find people who are already looking for your product or service.

Facebook Ads

Facebook knows people more than they know themselves. Thus, you can refine your audience to attract people interested in your business.

2 – Organic Traffic

With organic traffic, you bring visitors to your digital channels for free. As much as it is an accessible way, it is clear that attracting visitors through organic traffic involves costs. After all, if you don’t know the best strategies to achieve good positions for your site in searches, you will need to invest in the work of a professional.

But the exciting thing is that you pay once and reap results in the medium and long term. A blog article, for example, can bring results today and a year from now for your company. Unlike paid traffic, for example, the ad only lasts as long as you pay for it.

3 – Referral Traffic

Referral traffic is when the user accesses your page from a site that cited your content.

4 – Social Traffic

These are accessed from social networks. It is pretty standard when the link to your article is shared on some social network, and someone accesses it to read it.

5 – Direct Traffic

This is every company’s dream: having its domain typed directly into the navigation tab by the user. In a way, it’s a type of organic traffic as it doesn’t come from a paid source.

6 – Email Marketing Traffic

When you send an email with a link to an article on your website, as the user is already interested in your content (usually, they register to receive your emails), you are more likely to receive traffic from the email—mail marketing.

Also Read: Content Production For Social Networks

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