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Content Production For Social Networks

What can a dog, a sincere customer, and an attentive service teach us about engagement and content production for social networks? Because this story happened in 2016 and remains an excellent example for companies of all types today.

Understanding Of Social Networks

As we will see throughout this article, an excellent job of marketing and producing content on social networks requires testing and a lot of studies. First of all, however, it is necessary to understand the profile of each platform.

In today’s text, in particular, we focus on the three main social networks used today to promote brands: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, understanding the peculiarities of all of them.

Facebook: Personal, Popular, And Dynamic

In the words of founder Mark Zuckerberg, the “purpose of Facebook is to connect people.” Check it out: people! And the only way your brand doesn’t seem like an “intruder” among so many personal conversations is by making the content and interactions closer.

Facebook ushered in the era of algorithms with the promise of “putting an order in the house” in the face of the immense amount of material created on the platform daily. Information type, click-through potential, authenticity, post-relationship time, and engagement determine what appears on timelines.

The contents that gain greater prominence are those capable of generating interactions with the public, such as likes, shares, and mentions (tag friends), especially photos and videos. However, the general platform is flexible and open to different formats and strategies.

Instagram: Visual, Authentic, And Constants

Instagram is a social network focused on images and short videos, content that by itself already has high levels of engagement. Therefore, working on the look is essential to draw attention there, but without losing authenticity.

Its algorithm is similar to that of Facebook, and the main criteria are:

  • Temporality (recent posts appear first).
  • Engagement (comments and likes, especially at the time of posting).
  • Relationship (priority is given to commands from the accounts with which the user interacts the most. ).

Another critical point is that the Instagram audience doesn’t usually stick to posts for a long time, so the content needs to be aimed at immediate consumption. Longer, more elaborate materials do better on Facebook or media like YouTube.

Twitter: Short, Fast, And Direct

Right away, the first difference noticed on Twitter is its character limiter in posts, which says a lot about the personality of this social network. Twitter’s audience is looking for quick information, and the platform’s purpose is to deliver spontaneous content in real-time.

Based on the user’s previous behavior, Twitter’s algorithm analyzes themes, publication formats, and the relationship with the profile of the person who posted it, delivering a better organic result for the tweets with the most significant potential for engagement.

One of its particularities is that content display is not entirely controlled. Even adopting an algorithm, the social network still offers the old chronological display as an option for the user; after all, it has everything to do with the informative nature of the network.

Tips For A Successful Strategy

It is not enough to get content production right for social networks: a good strategy is the foundation of a successful campaign, and, therefore, other points also require attention.

Don’t Be A Virtual Flier

If most of your content is limited to constant ads and promotions, it’s best to review your approach. Put yourself in the audience’s shoes: Do you like being bombarded with repetitive, insistent ads?

We all receive an immense amount of advertising daily, and it is no wonder that our brains have learned to dodge this type of content. This does not mean that banners and advertisements should be abandoned, but planning is necessary to use them correctly, with actions that build a relationship before making proposals.

Study, Test, And Monitor

A professional social media content production strategy involves research, testing, metrics, and monitoring. With the help of Social Media Analytics, it is possible to obtain good insights to define formats, times, and subjects that most instigate the public.

And be sure to take advantage of the relationship to understand your audience better, always considering comments, compliments, and complaints.

Get Fans, Not Just Followers

We recently discussed on the blog the importance of gaining fans and not just followers, but in 2013  Burger King had already forcefully proved this.

When promoting its Norwegian page, the company offered two options: like the new version or being banned forever and taking a Big Mac (snack from the leading competitor). The fast-food chain lost fewer than 30,000 fans who preferred the snack but managed to qualify the audience and quintuple the power of engagement.

Also Read: Ten Tips To Improve Customer Experience On Social Media

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