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What Are The Main Disadvantages Of Chatbots?

Disadvantages of Chatbots: Just as there are pros, chatbot service has some disadvantages in certain situations. It is essential to know them; therefore, we will discuss the main ones below.

Less Human Interaction

As the processes are based on artificial intelligence software and deal with first and second-level cases, the tendency is for human interactions to occur only in the most complex situations – which only personal service can solve.

Thus, as much as the company gains practicality on the one hand, on the other hand, listening to what the customer has to say can be fundamental to solving a demand. In addition, contact with people, in a way, can please the public, which gives excellent value to the humanization of brands.

For these reasons, it’s fair to assume that some customers would prefer face-to-face interaction, even if your company offers multiple digital channels. Thus, you must keep this alternative open to the public while the chatbot cannot provide humanized service.

Limitation Of Answers

As great as they are, Chatbots still cannot address every issue in every scenario. This lack of robustness makes it necessary to specify in which situations the technology will be used. Sometimes, using the robot only in more straightforward calls is valid.

Suppose you make a chatbot available and can’t solve the problem or answer the customer’s questions. In that case, all its advantages become negligible due to the frustration that such an experience can cause the user. The positive side of this issue is that, with the development of machine learning, robots have become increasingly efficient.

Lack Of Empathy

Empathy is one of the elements that most influence consumers’ perception of chatbots. A survey by Pegasystems revealed that 70% of people are more comfortable being served by a human than a robot. In addition, most respondents do not believe that artificial intelligence can be a positive point for SAC.

This demonstrates the lack of knowledge and even empathy of consumers towards chatbots. This resistance can become a problem when implementing the technology in the company, so educating the customer on the subject is critical.

Inability To Automate All Processes

Because they cannot deal with more complex scenarios, chatbots do not allow complete service automation. That is, there are situations where only a human can find the best solution and provide an adequate service.

Thus, it is clear that technology does not replace human care but has the potential to facilitate its performance.

After All, Is It Worth Investing In This Solution?

The answer to that question is: it depends. It must be taken into account that a chatbot, when adequately configured, simulates a conversation with a human attendant and allows simple demands to be quickly resolved, such as:

  • clarification of doubts;
  • requesting order information;
  • record of the opening of a call.

It is important to remember that all this is done quickly and effectively, without considerable losses in the quality of the service provided — a point that makes investing in technology a very tempting option. Other than that, it is a way to enhance the customer experience and thus attract more business opportunities.

It is also worth noting that many companies are already betting on this feature. One of the best examples of how this works in practice is using chatbots in conversations between customers and companies through Facebook Messenger. Several pages rely on the device to respond quickly to the user and, if possible, solve the problem on the spot.

Another point that counts in favor of chatbots is their versatility. Despite SAC being the most commonly delegated function to robots, data indicate that they are widely used for sales, marketing, collections and entertainment.

On the other hand, as beneficial as the investment may seem, it is necessary to consider the disadvantages of using this technology and to what extent it should be used — and when human intervention is required.

We must also remember the challenges this novelty presents, especially regarding the use of more natural languages ​​during conversations. Chatbots are not fully intelligent — as many people think — and this limitation may be at odds with expectations related to the use of artificial intelligence.

Still, chatbots represent an evolution in the automation of processes and can considerably improve the routine of companies that deal with massive amounts of customers seeking contact. This avoids long queues that can lead to dissatisfaction on the part of users and even the creation of a negative image (especially on social networks).

So, the use of this resource must happen in a strategically planned way. It can become an essential advantage for your company to stand out in the market, but its implementation should not replace human service.

The use of chatbots can be very beneficial for businesses that seek to offer more agile services to their customers and optimize their experience. However, it is necessary to remember that this resource is only a facilitator of the work, not a substitute for the service performed by humans.

Also Read: Conversational AI: What Are The Benefits

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