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5 Mistakes Companies Make On Social Media

With the rise of social media, much is discussed about the role of companies in this scenario. While platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are great showcases for brands, it is essential to do an excellent publicity job.

Even with such importance for a business, the organization can use social networks incorrectly or unfavorably. Knowing this, learn about the five mistakes companies make on social media:

Check Out The Five Mistakes Most Companies Make On Social Media

We Are Not Defining A Persona

Defining a persona consists of defining an ideal consumer. That is a specific personality profile to which the product sold is directed. From the definition of a persona, the brand will be able to create its content (graphic and written) in a much more targeted way, always knowing who it wants to talk to.

lack Of Interaction

Lack of interaction is also an issue for many businesses. Social networks enable the brand’s humanization, which should be used in the best possible way. Replying to comments, directs, tweets, and tags is an excellent way to get closer to the public and generate a network of potential customers.

Inconsistency In Publications

The periodicity of the episodes of a soap opera is significant: the viewer turns on the television at a specific time. This should happen with profiles on social networks. In this way, it is always essential to have a particular and strategic day and time for the publications so that the user already expects them in their timeline.

With the persona previously defined, it is easier to think of a strategy of more assertive times and days for the constancy and dissemination of the advertised products. After all, each audience – or persona – has a different routine and tends to consume company content at other times.

Do Not Analyze Metrics

Among the five mistakes companies make on social networks, the lack of study of the results is certainly a highlight. This is a common mistake made by companies within social media: neglecting the power of numbers. From the analysis of collected metrics, it is possible to know what has worked and what has not.

When we approach metrics analysis, we mean the strategic observation of the number of clicks, engagement, likes, and shares of the page in question and its respective publications.

Not Having A Company To Help

If you don’t want to make any mistakes, it’s always essential to have a company that specializes in social media and digital marketing to help. For lack of expert assistance, brands often lose potential customers, sales, and a good relationship with their audience. Therefore, do not hesitate to count on an agency in the area.

Any site migration is difficult to make when a site is well positioned in search engines and delivers good results.

What Precautions Should You Take To Make A Site Migration?

Website migration is the process by which we update a website to change its configuration or technology, such as changing servers, CMS, etc. Substantial changes are made that may affect visibility in search engines, including the architecture of URLs.

This is a risky move, and any mistakes or improper implementation can lead to a severe drop in positioning and organic traffic you had in the beginning. For this reason, it is always advisable to take some precautions:

Define The Objective To Be Achieved

Each type of migration responds to an objective. It is critical to be very clear about which one is yours. Do you want to improve your website speed, make it a safe environment, redesign your brand image, or what?

Based on that, write down all the challenges you face or might face and the opportunities you think could be implemented. This way, you will have more control over how to act if there is any risk of compromising site migration.

Also Read: The Impacts Of Social Networks On Us

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