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HomeCloud ComputingCloud Data Security: What Should I Know To Ensure?

Cloud Data Security: What Should I Know To Ensure?

How have you stored your company’s valuable information? Cloud Data security has become an increasingly necessary subject to be debated, mainly because data management has become a strong trend.

Currently, there are several resources promoted by the digital transformation which allow a greater amount of data to be stored in a much safer way. This is the case with cloud computing and its variations, such as cloud-native, which offer advantages in market positioning and attracting and retaining customers.

Want to know how to ensure data security in the cloud? So, follow this post and see how this care has everything to reinforce the credibility of the business and the commitment to protecting information.

What Is Cybersecurity?

Malware, spyware, phishing, and hackers are all possible threats that can compromise the security of a data set on the internet or electronic devices.

Cyber ​​security is the area of ​​Information Technology responsible for developing a series of tools to protect information that should not be shared or fall into the wrong hands.

That is, it is a fundamental measure for the most varied sectors of the market. This will ensure that a business operates according to the Law and can use the facilities that technological innovations offer to boost a company’s growth.

Why Should Cyber Data Security On The Web Be Treated As A Priority?

Web data security has been an increasingly discussed topic in business. One of the main reasons is Law nº 13.709, called the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), which came into force in 2020.

With these new standards, companies have an even greater responsibility to ensure the collection, processing, and safe and consented storage of personal data from customers and other companies. 

The damage brought to the credibility of a business with unprotected data also reinforced the need to maintain information security in the first place in companies.

And that’s how data sharing and cyber security became increasingly concerned among businesses. The good news is that, in recent years, it has been possible to observe an increasing number of tools that help ensure data protection, especially in cloud computing.

How To Ensure Data Security In The Cloud?

Given the importance of cybersecurity, it’s time to figure out what to do to ensure that all data in the cloud remains protected and free from cyber threats. See some tips!

Invest In Secure Platforms

Where do you store your cloud data? It is important to know the entire protection policy of these platforms and ensure that the investment is efficient and focused on data security.

When you need to deal with more personal and confidential data, it is important to look for systems that offer a higher level of security, protecting both your business and your customers.

A secure cloud provider should offer security certificates, controlled access, well-configured firewall settings, and DNS services. Therefore, an efficient tip is to always make sure of this information before hiring.

Control Access

Which people can access your cloud storage platforms? A company with more than one employee must be concerned with this care.

The idea is to concentrate access to as few people as possible, limiting only the use of data necessary for routine work. In addition, training employees regarding digital security will save you a lot of headaches.

Bet On Crypto

You know that confidential information that, if it falls into the wrong hands, can cause considerable damage to the business? Ideally, they should go through an even stricter security system.

Encryption provides this possibility, allowing only authorized persons full access to a dataset. Investing in encrypted platforms is an important step toward ensuring business cybersecurity.

What Are The Impacts Of Data Security In The Cloud?

Investing in data security is a fundamental step for every business. With information protection, it is possible to act with more productivity, effectiveness, and confidence. 

In addition, the impacts caused by the lack of security are serious. In addition to the fines that can be charged for violating the Law, there are still serious consequences, such as loss of data, undue exposure, extra costs, impacts on the customer experience, and discrediting the company in the market.

So, nothing better than avoiding these problems. Check out the major impacts of investing in cloud data security!

Reinforced Backup

Data loss is one of the biggest fears of any company. Good backup management is a very important step to prevent this kind of damage.

Storing information in the cloud can guarantee enhanced protection and prevent important content from being lost in the work routine. In addition, several tools automate backup, bringing even more practicality to everyday life.

Value Creation For The Company

Service quality is one of the main competitive advantages that any business would like to have. However, not all companies care as they should about information security, which can impact productivity and process optimization.

On the other hand, businesses that invest in data security and technological innovations manage to generate value in the market and offer higher-quality products and services to the public.

Also Read: How The Public Cloud Drives Digital Transformation

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