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HomeCyberSecurityEverything Marketing Needs To Know About Cybersecurity!

Everything Marketing Needs To Know About Cybersecurity!

Cybersecurity is a topic that has gone far from being exclusive to the technology area and is now part of all sectors – including Marketing.

Topics such as GDPR and data leakage are on the rise, and in this sense, companies need to know how to protect themselves and be safe.

Therefore, a Digital Marketing duty is knowing how to defend yourself from cyberattacks and avoid further problems. In this article, I’m going to tell you everything any marketer needs to know about Cybersecurity.

The Importance Of Data In Marketing

Marketing with massive use of data has become an essential point for any company – especially those that invest in Digital Marketing.

Nowadays, data is a way for Marketing to understand how the customer behaves, and even because of that, knowing how to obtain, organize and activate data is crucial.

It is through data that Marketing teams create a much more authentic image of the persona, creating personalized campaigns and generating better results.

On the other hand, these personalized experiences make some consumers not trust companies in terms of data management. 

A PwC survey indicated that 90% of consumers want companies to be more effective at protecting their data.

And we can say that this distrust is not for nothing: using data without due care can bring a series of cyber threats. Cases such as the mega-leakage of data that exposed information on 223 million CPF numbers, released earlier this year, make the population even more suspicious.

Cyber ​​attacks are already a concern of many C-levels, such as CIOs, CISOs, and CTOs. However, the combination of the use of data with the dangers that surround this activity makes CMOs should pay more attention to this type of situation.

Marketing And IT Working Together

Think about the many tools available for the Marketing area these days; with them, we can analyze, customize and optimize various campaigns.

However, the addition of new Marketing tools is not always something that is in the eyes of IT staff, particularly Cybersecurity, which makes the threat of an attack imminent.

A Deloitte report on how CMOs care about cyber risks found that 27% are unclear about cybersecurity roles and responsibilities. 21% do not understand how these risks relate to the business, and 19% do not know where the collected data is stored.

With this, it is evident that there is a distance between the Marketing department and IT within companies – and this should never happen! It is not enough to notify the use of new tools but to have consistent communication between the two areas.

It is also essential that Marketing personnel acquire technical knowledge about some aspects of Cybersecurity, even if superficially, as it is necessary both for protecting themselves and for possible crisis management (something I will talk about later).

Initiatives such as the Cyber ​​Security Journey are interesting for raising awareness of the importance of the topic and training professionals so that they can act in defense of this war.

Protection And Management Are Critical!

Many marketing teams have already embraced data management platforms (DMPs), as collecting and managing data is more accessible. Regardless of how this data is acquired, DMPs profile, analyze and target the customer. 

And therein lies the danger: database management is a critical process for companies, as it is related to the need to protect this data.

The delicate point is that this management is not part of the daily work scope of Marketing teams. However, this does not remove the responsibility of opting for a secure database. 

Companies like Oracle already provide autonomous databases that automatically encrypt data, provide constant security updates and protect against external attacks without requiring human time or effort.

This way, Marketing teams will also be protecting their customers’ data, and at the same time, they won’t have to monitor it constantly.

Also Read: Cybersecurity: 9 Tips To Keep Your Business Well Promoted

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