HomeBusinessCRM And Marketing Automation: Integrated Strategy

CRM And Marketing Automation: Integrated Strategy

CRM and Marketing Automation: A sales CRM can help optimize company processes such as acquiring new leads, organizing contacts, improving customer relationships, etc.

The integration of this tool can make a big difference in your team’s productivity. It’s no secret that we are living in Industry 4.0. In this era, it is not only machines that are the protagonists of history but also artificial intelligence, which allows processes to be automated and, consequently, become more effective.

And this revolution affects all of society, without exception! An example of this change that can be seen in everyday life is the sales process and how it occurs.

It used to take a long, systematic process to result in a sale. After all, it was necessary to reach a massive number of people without having the chance to track which strategies were working, to find your audience, and try to convince them of the importance of your product.

Nowadays, with the help of technology, it is possible to use an integrated strategy in which marketing automation and CRM complement each other and manage to be more assertive in sales.

Marketing automation is a system that develops several functions in this sector, such as lead generation and nurturing, email marketing, and publications on social networks, among others. On the other hand, CRM is responsible for managing the customer’s relationship, impacting and building customer loyalty, according to the previously acquired information.

Check out the article if you want to understand why your company can only benefit from adopting an integrated strategy!

What Is CRM?

The customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy aims to manage the relationships between a brand or product and its consumers.

In this way, it is possible to develop a relationship with the interested party (prospect) until he becomes a buyer and, in the future, a brand advocate. In addition, the CRM provides more excellent management of data acquired during the sales funnel to track possible strategies and discover new trends in the area.

Several software available on the market carries out the entire CRM process to facilitate the process, allowing the company to have autonomy in actions and, in some cases, allowing only one employee to manage this whole sector. There are even a series of sales CRM tools focused on the commercial process.

What Is Marketing Automation?

Currently, the marketing area of ​​a company has much more attributions than in the past. After all, it is usually in this sector that the tactics for promoting the brand are located, as well as all the plans for the product to continue to be recognized and requested in the market.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay more and more attention to the details because that is where specific information can appear that will guide your sales strategy. Thus, marketing automation tools aim to optimize all these types of processes and, consequently, increase your team’s performance.

One of the highlights of this type of software is the automatic execution of manual processes that would take unnecessary time for a team, allowing more time for more strategic work. Another benefit is the planning and scheduling processes, for example, sending marketing emails according to the stage in the sales funnel and publishing them on social networks.

The marketing automation system also makes it possible to prepare reports, whether analyzing a specific campaign or on the progress of the proposed goals for the team.

Why Integrate Marketing Automation And CRM? 

Many departments, including marketing, sales, and customer service, can use CRM. The more slippery the integration, the better.

There may be noises in communication that can be extinguished using an integrated strategy: marketing automation and CRM working together to reach the final goal.

Even in cases where the marketing area manages both, it is possible to make some mistakes that harm your image for the consumer. After all, how many times have you grown tired of a brand just because you’ve been repeatedly bombarded with ads and emails?

Here are some benefits of integrating CRM and marketing automation.

Information Sharing

Two systems capture, register, and catalog information about all potential and current customers.

With this, it is possible to find valuable data that other areas of the company can use and that can improve the efficiency of the product.

Contain Duplicate Actions

As mentioned earlier, remember situations where you were bombarded by emails and advertisements at different times of the purchase, and that did not help the sale at all. 

Instead of winning over the customer, duplicate actions can drive them away from the brand. In a shared system, it is possible to see which activities are performed in real-time, avoiding this type of embarrassment.

Increased Team Efficiency

With a tool that performs manual activities in record time and produces complete reports, your team can have optimized performance. After all, it will be possible to dedicate the work time to strategic actions that can bring evolution to the team.

Tracking The Success Of Actions And Sales Funnel Progress

When these two strategies are integrated, it is possible to develop more complete reports since it is possible to obtain information from the capture of the lead and throughout the trajectory in the sales funnel. Thus, it is possible to study the particularities of each campaign and action carried out along the way, listing the mistakes and successes.

Customer Experience Improvement

When it is possible to list what can be improved, it can attack strategic points of the product, allowing it to be enhanced following consumer feedback.

In addition, by running an assertive marketing campaign without double actions, the customer experience will be even better.

Sales Evolution

As a consequence of all the benefits listed above, improved sales are an expected result. After all, in the age of data, using it to your advantage is the best strategy to stand out in the market and leverage your business.

Also Read: The Importance Of Having A Well-Structured CRM For Agencies

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