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Differences Between Information Security And Cybersecurity

Information Security And Cybersecurity: Information security has a broader meaning when we compare it with cybernetics. Although both aim to ensure restricted access to data, understanding cybersecurity consists of many more technology-related aspects.

It is common for information security and cybernetics to need clarification because they have complementary purposes for data security.

Even so, the IS involves, for example, legislative aspects such as adaptation to the LGPD and other broad measures.

Meanwhile, cybersecurity has a character entirely focused on using technologies and their interactions with people. Consequently, it protects information in more technical and digital aspects.

In general: information security implements different prevention methods to maintain data protection, while cybernetics is strictly attentive to digital media, such as the internet and computer software.

Main Categories Of Cybersecurity

Knowing the focus of cybersecurity, it is concluded that its categories mainly involve technologies and the prevention of attacks by digital means.

Knowing this, network, application, and operational security are some of the fronts of this concept. Below, you can understand a little more about them:

Network Security

Misconfigured networks can allow inappropriate access that compromises the security of an organization.

Therefore, various restriction measures are implemented to prevent inappropriate access to the network and internet systems. This set of activities is called network security.

Firewalls, for example, can be security software to monitor who interacts with the internet network. Continuous monitoring of accesses is also included to identify suspicious actions.

Application Security

With applications with high volumes of data, such as in Business Analytics software, it is also essential to use application security tools that guarantee the secrecy of this information.

Thus, these technologies are often security programs capable of protecting applications from cyber threats.

Operational Safety

This aspect already has the function of assisting in users’ interactions with technological tools that have data to be protected.

In this way, it is about managing identities and accesses and making the most accurate decisions possible for security while using the software.

With that in mind, access control software and information are available only to previously selected users.

Threats To Enterprise Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity segmentation occurs precisely based on companies’ most common threats of attacks. With ever-increasing sophistication on the part of hackers, it is up to the organization to adapt at the same pace.

This is also one of the reasons why digital transformation is so significant in organizations.

Having adopted tools that simplify activities, companies can also focus on evolved options to leave this implementation protected.

Next, we will understand a little better the architecture of the most popular attacks, as well as solutions to prevent or mitigate them, follow along:


Malware is intentionally harmful programs with code specially designed to harm systems or steal information.

Incidentally, malware has a highly harmful character for companies that share networks. Like a human virus, it is designed to multiply, take over device functions, and even make them unfeasible.

As this attack is carried out over the internet or via suspicious emails received, the ideal way to prevent these incidents is to use tools such as:

  • Network security;
  • Policy management;
  • Application security.


Ransomware attacks are widespread in well-known and large companies, as was the recent case of Intel (National Institute of Telecommunications).

In this attack model, the computer is invaded, having its data encrypted and completely blocked.

In this way, the “hijacker” demands a ransom to return access to users. Some of the cybersecurity fronts that can prevent attacks like this one are:

  • Application security;
  • SOC – incident monitoring and response;
  • Identity management.

SQL Injection

SQL codes manipulate data, usually on the organization’s websites or servers. SQL injection is an attack that occurs when, based on this information, an attacker accesses this sensitive information.

This way, it is possible to access customer data and find lists and other information that may compromise the security of users.

To avoid these events, it is essential to have an IT team that is specialized and trained in cybersecurity. Training can be a practical tool that promotes application security and restrict code access.

Phishing Attacks

The translation of phishing comes from English fishing, and it means precisely “to fish” because the attack is made against the user from a bait.

In practice, the attacker impersonates another employee or security figure to acquire access and passwords from other employees.

By providing the information, the criminal uses the data for a ransomware strategy or can even leak the accessed content.

The critical point is that there are no restrictions on communication between the attacker and the user.

Social networks and even email can be contact points for the company to have a collaborator as “bait.” Some cybersecurity services that prevent these scams are:

  • Application Performance Monitoring (APM);
  • Identity management;
  • Cloud Mobility ;
  • Policy management;
  • Network infrastructure security;
  • Smart Continuous Delivery.

DDoS Attacks

The DDoS attack or distributed denial of service attack is made to freeze a particular website or application of a company. Especially for the e-commerce sector, this technique generates financial losses for the organization.

With a bombardment of hits, these attacks made by specialists tend to overload and make complete access to a server unfeasible. As a result, when clients attempt to access the service, it may appear unavailable.

Also Read: Cybersecurity: What Does My Business Need To Know?

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