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HomeTechnologyGoogle Analytics 360: what it is, features and Advantages

Google Analytics 360: what it is, features and Advantages

Google Analytics 360 is the paid version of Google’s Web Analytics tool and allows you to process vast amounts of data. Furthermore, it has its features and integrations, making it ideal for large companies.

Google Analytics is widely known and used in the digital universe. In general, companies have projects registered on the accessible version of the platform – GA4, which replaced GA Universal in July 2023. 

What many don’t know is that Analytics also has a paid version, Google Analytics 360, which has a considerably larger structure than traditional GA. 

Its benefits make it one of the leading Web Analytics options for companies that need to process large amounts of data in a recurring, agile, and organized way.

What Is Google Analytics 360?

Google Analytics 360 is one of the 7 features of the Google Marketing Platform. It is a paid Web Analytics tool that has several exclusive features and no additional layers to unlock.

The main competitor to Adobe Analytics, GA360, also works as a tool aimed at large companies. 

After all, the big difference for the accessible version of GA is the ability to process vast amounts of data – over 10 million monthly hits.

Hits are the various actions carried out by users on your website or app, ranging from page views to the most varied events and conversions. 

But after all, what are the advantages of this tool?

What Are The Advantages Of GA 360?

What usually guides the acquisition of GA360 is the number of monthly hits allowed by the tool.

However, it also has other significant advantages for companies that want a more robust version of Google Analytics, such as:

  • More incredible data processing speed;
  • Integrations with other tools in the Suite package;
  • Sample data;
  • Custom funnels and tables;
  • Integration with CRM.

Thus, Google Analytics 360 is capable of collecting and processing a virtually infinite amount of information, in addition to being integrated with several auxiliary tools to maximize the use of this data in your company.

The Main Differences Between Google Analytics 360 And GA4

There are some crucial differences between the free GA and the 360 ​​version, and it’s important to mention them so you understand which one makes the most sense for you. Let’s go:


Standard GA sample data is used in custom reports starting at 500,000 sessions, while 360 ​​samples data in reports exceeding 100 million sessions.

Furthermore, as we already mentioned, the free version does not process more than 10 million hits per month, while the 360 ​​goes up to 5 billion hits. 

Export And Custom Metrics

Analytics 360 can export up to 3 million rows, while GA4 offers 50 thousand. In the case of custom metrics, the difference between the paid version and the free version is 200 to 20. 


Google Analytics 4 is a completely free tool that is extremely popular on the market. This means that, for companies that don’t generate as much monthly data, it is the chosen option.

GA360 has a monthly price starting at R$21 thousand, reaching up to around R$80 thousand in cases where data processing exceeds 2 billion hits per month. 

It is also possible to contract packages for the additional use of hits in specific months, ranging from R$1,300 to R$40,000.

Does It Make Sense To Buy Google Analytics 360?

In this content, you discover what Google Analytics 360 is, its advantages, and the main differences from the free version. Now, choose the web analytics tool that makes the most sense for your company!

As we mentioned throughout the content, GA360 supports companies that process millions of data per month and require detailed analyses of this enormous amount of information.

So, analyze the pros and cons of each of them and make the best possible choice for your brand.

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