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How Computer Vision Has Solved Industry Pains

One of the strands of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computer Vision, is a field that studies the processing of real-world images through a computer.

The solution captures the faces of an image that would be invisible to human eyes, such as the different textures of a plant and the number of leaves it has, even if this number overlaps with the common one. The intention is to allow machines to record and interpret the image obtained. 

The processes of this type of technology are divided into four. First, the system captures the image and, in sequence, processes these images, adapting and optimizing the acquired visual data. From then on, the computer can analyze them, understanding characteristics in a way only possible to machines. Finally, these images are transformed into answers, answering the specific questions that were requested.

It is essential to say that the vision conferred through Artificial Intelligence, in addition to identifying and counting objects in a few minutes, can recognize patterns, such as labels and serial numbers printed on the object. Solutions with Computer Vision are also capable of detecting overheating, as is the case with Deep track. This technology introduces drones to inspect transport carried out by conveyor belts within the mining industry.

Application In Industry

Increasingly present in various processes in the industrial sector, AI has created several ways to optimize results within organizations, employing technologies that work effectively and bring agility and safety to work. Betting on disruptive technologies within corporations is one of the ways to make the business grow exponentially.

Break with the old modus operandi and propose something never seen before. This sounds like science fiction, but it has been happening in society for many years. If before it was impossible to imagine talking on the phone without the landline being activated, today, the functionalities of a smartphone are much more extensive than simple communication.

The most incredible thing is that, at first, if disruptive technologies seem like fruits of human imagination, in a short time, they already become part of people’s daily lives, making their experiences and their results increasingly significant.

Significantly operational roles, which require the employer to be on their feet for many hours performing the same activity, can lead to extreme fatigue. In addition to the physical and mental disorders he acquires, the work becomes subject to a lack of precision and eventual flaws, a process that Computer Vision technologies can solve. For example, control of production lines and load counting for transport can be done quickly and safely without risking the worker.

Traceability And Auditing In The Production Chain

Not wasting or losing products is undoubtedly among the customs that can lead a company to succeed in its organic expansion. Checking the traceability of the production chain means collecting data regarding the activity being developed, such as the count of labels on products or items that are delivered to the final recipient. The traceability process takes place from the acquisition of raw materials to the delivery of the product.

A management system with flaws in the traceability system tends to lose control over the product, which can reach the recipient with fewer items, for example. Likewise, traceability allows for understanding the process as a whole, which tends to make it possible to create an adequate base of documentation and resources used.

Created to work as a counting system, the solution is applied on the production line and uses RGB cameras in its process. When captured, images are displayed on fixed or mobile devices that generate item counts in up to one minute, with 95% accuracy.

The solution works in production lines by recognizing patterns and counting items, ensuring incredible speed and efficiency.

Measuring the quality of products arranged in production lines and counting a large number of items to be transported is a great challenge, especially if done by human labor. Using AI to benefit these sectors, work becomes safer, agile, and effective.

Also Read: Artificial Intelligence To Humanize Interactions

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