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How Google Alerts Works And How To Use It In Marketing

The amount of content that exists on Google Alerts is unimaginable. There are so many news, blog posts, articles, and searches in the middle of the search engine that it is often difficult to find the expected result.

According to the website Search Engine Land, the number of pages indexed by Google in 2016 was already over 130 trillion. Despite this, Google itself thought of a solution: Google Alerts, a free tool that triggers emails to users, updating them with new results of interest.

Google Alerts can be a firm ally in your digital marketing strategy. Want to know how it works and how it can help you?

What Are Google Alerts?

Google Alerts is a service that detects new content indexed by Google and notifies registered users by email or RSS. Sign up based on the terms and keywords you want to receive news alerts.

This service facilitates the research process, allowing more agility and practicality when reading content, as alerts ensure that you do not miss any news on a given subject.

In addition, combined with search trends tools such as Google Trends, Google Alerts can help with keyword ranking in search engines ( SEO ). That’s because it’s possible to identify what competitors and other companies are writing about a particular subject and, with that, also include it in your content marketing strategy.

How To Use The Tool In Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

Learning to use Google Alerts was easy, right? However, how to apply this tool to your company’s marketing strategies? Well, Google Alerts can help with a lot of things.

Check out these 4 ideas :

Keyword Monitoring

If you add your business name and website URL to Google Alerts, you can track what people say about you. That way, you can build a better relationship with your customers, as you’ll be aware of everyone’s positive and negative feedback.

Content Ideas

With the help of Google Alerts, you monitor specific topics related to your niche, getting ideas to create content, blog posts, and rich materials, such as eBooks, for example.

So you can spot trends and hot topics as soon as they’re indexed on Google, giving you plenty of time to be one of the first pages talking about these topics.

Monitoring Of Competition

Google Alerts helps you optimize your keywords as it shows you how other people are using your top terms. However, it is also essential to keep an eye on the content that your competitors are posting; after all, they also serve as a source of inspiration.

Link Building

Link building is an SEO technique that you can develop with the help of Google Alerts. Mentions on websites through external linking are one of the main factors influencing Google’s ranking.

Use this to register your company name or variations and then monitor mentions through alerts. With this, you can know which sites are mentioning you. If any of them are not linking to your site, please contact us and request the link.

You can create quality backlinks and maintain a good reputation and authority in search engines—consequently, your chances of ranking at the top of Google increase.

How To Get The Most Out Of Google Alert?

There are some unique tips and hacks that you can use to get the most out of the tool. So, here are some tricks to make it easier to use:

Use quotation marks to refine your alerts: quotation marks make the results more accurate and limit your alert to the exact phrase you typed. You can also take common search symbols like “+” and use them if you want to get results with those symbols;

Create multiple alerts: to cover different variations of the exact phrase or keyword; we recommend that you create multiple alerts; Include alerts with common typos: Google is getting better at correcting errors automatically, but it’s still a great idea to create alerts with typos as they can be valuable;

Use Google Inbox to gather alerts in one place: if you have a Gmail account, you can configure it so that all Google alerts appear as a single header. By clicking on it, you see the individual pages that contain your term.

Also Read: Find Out How To Create An Email Marketing Strategy For YouTube

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