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Project Management: What Are The Principal Methodologies

Project management: Executing a project can be a significant challenge in companies with poorly-structured and defined processes. With so many tasks and collaborators, goals can get lost, resulting in an inferior product or simply the failure to meet the given deadlines.

Therefore, the need for good business management has been increasingly perceived. This can be done in different ways and methodologies. 

Therefore, we will explain here a little about this topic, the primary methods and tools on the market to ensure that your company can save time and money with disorganized projects.

What Is A Project?

A project is a temporary activity to develop or change some product or service. For this, goals, resources, and time to be used are pre-defined.

This concept can be applied to any activity area and is a unique and non-routine demand. Furthermore, it is expected that the teams involved in a project sometimes work in different sectors, depending on the complexity.

As a result, there are many ways to streamline project creation or management. This ranges from the implementation of software to a new culture through training. In the end, the goal for most of these activities is clear and unique: achieving defined objectives and delivering results on time and on budget.

What Is Project Management?

The project management process can be defined as managing all aspects of an activity, from resources to tasks and assigned time. Without it, the chance of mistakes, disorganization, and failure is much greater.

Therefore, it is always important to mention that efforts should be preserved in this planning stage. The more structured your management is, anticipating the possible obstacles and necessary resources, the lesser the chance of wasting time “with the car in motion.”

To help you, let’s list the typical steps in the production of a project:

  • Receipt of the task (either by a client or from within the company);
  • Elaboration of the action plan (with the definition of resources, responsible team, workload, etc.)
  • Start of project execution;
  • Periodic monitoring of the progress of the goals;
  • Delivery and closing of the project.

Why Is Project Management Critical?

As we said above, it is doubtful that there will be success without some planning and a favorable environment for the execution of that plan. 

Therefore, when dealing with deadlines and costs that cannot be exceeded, the possibility of leaving everything to chance does not exist. Therefore, some of the main benefits of project management are:

  • Organization of information and data recording for better decision-making;
  • Time tracking that optimizes tasks and the rest of the plan;
  • Less chance of the team being caught off guard by an error;
  • Overview of all stakeholders with progress and next steps;
  • Higher quality of collaboration between teams ;
  • Improves the final result!

What Are The Leading Project Management Methodologies?

An essential step in managing quality projects is choosing an appropriate methodology. In other words, a ready and recognized way to achieve results. We will list and explain some of them below:


The Scrum methodology divides the project into smaller parts; each called a Sprint. Considering a development cycle of 2 to 4 weeks, deliveries happen continuously. 

One of the main ways to control this method is through Daily Scrum calls, a daily meeting to monitor the progress of goals, progress, and the next steps.


The agile Kanban methodology is defined by dividing tasks into categories of visual columns that address the following steps: “To do,” “In progress,” and “Finished.” Of course, this can be customized according to your business for the best fit. 

With the columns created, the next step is to distribute the demands in each one. When there is a status update, place it in the desired column. At the end of the process, your entire team will have a clear and complete view of what was done and what still lies ahead.

Six Sigma

Made especially for the financial area, the Six Sigma methodology aims at continuous improvement by eliminating errors and inaccuracies in the process. In addition to reducing costs, this method also increases productivity and helps the company improve the bottom line.

Indicated more for medium and large companies needing statistical tools, Six Sigma is based on the so-called DMAIC Cycle, which has the phases: define, measure, analyze, improve and control.

What Are The Leading Project Management Tools?

One of the best ways to optimize project management across teams is through a specific platform. For this, several solutions in all price ranges can precisely meet your company’s needs. 

On the B2B lead Stack portal, you can find several alternatives, along with their features, price, and the honest opinion of users like you. To help you, we will list below some of the best-evaluated solutions:

  • Trello
  • list
  • asana
  • Todo-list


The task of keeping the team focused, productive, and organized throughout the process of a project can prove to be complicated. Therefore, good management can end up being the differential and prevent wasting time with unnecessary errors.

In addition, there are also several methodologies already documented and approved for you and your company to implement. And, of course, as in all areas, it’s always important to let technology help you in this process.

Also Read: How To Apply Virtual Reality Training In Companies

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