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Setting Up A Company Introduction Email In 5 Steps

So far, we’ve presented what we might call the “skeleton” of the company introduction email. However, you need to fill these parts with content that will attract potential customers and lead them to conversion.

So, if you want to know how to make a company presentation that brings results, pay attention to the following tips.

Create An Interesting Subject

We mentioned earlier that the email’s subject is one of the points that leads the reader to open (or not open) an email. Therefore, to increase your open rates, this field must generate curiosity. 

Think of it like a book or movie title, meaning the more compelling it is, the more likely your email will be read.

Also, remember never to lie in the message description — the title must always be compatible with the internal text. 

In parallel, avoid sentences that are too short or too long (these can be cut off and make it difficult to read). The idea is to have between 21 and 40 characters.

Introduce Yourself And Get Straight To The Point

Did you get your lead to open your sales email? Congratulations! Ensure your message is read to the end, getting straight to the point.

To do so, start by introducing yourself, informing the reason for the contact, and then continue with the presentation of your company. See this example:

“Hello, Antonio. How are you? My name is Douglas, and I am one of the consultants. Slack’s Marta reported that you are looking for an after market CRM. That’s why I came to introduce you to our solution.”

Realize that, in a short stretch, it was possible to expose the lead’s pain and show that your company can solve it.

Following this line, it is enough to present the product or service in question, if possible, with data that prove its effectiveness.

Don’t Lose Focus Of The Message

The sales presentation email should have a single focus. If you are presenting a solution, do not use the same message to invite the reader to participate in a lecture, for example. 

The duality of information can divert the recipient’s attention, compromising the purpose of your commercial proposal.

Take Care Of The Farewell

Just because the lead made it to the end of your email doesn’t mean you should relax. The end of the message is just as important as its content.

There are three points to pay attention to here:

  • kind farewell;
  • a compelling call to action;
  • good professional signature.

Kind Farewell

Even if the contact is through digital means, don’t forget that there is a person – and not a machine- on the other side.

So, avoid terms like “att” and look for more personal endings that encourage response. For example: “I await your return. Hugs!”


The CTA, call to action, is a call to action. In other words, this is the next step you want your lead to take. 

To do this, make it clear what can be done. See these suggestions below and customize them for your proposal!

  • How about we talk more about it? Call me on the phone XXXX-XXXX.
  • How about we talk tomorrow at 2 pm? Please get back to me with confirmation or suggestions for another time.

Email Signature

A clear and objective email signature is an excellent way to help the recipient find you whenever they need to.

Therefore, use one that has your full name, position, company, and contact phone number. Professional photos are also welcome, as they give a face to the person sending the message, which brings the recipient closer.

Review Before Submitting

Typing and grammatical errors negatively impact your image and also your corporate reputation. Please review your company introduction email carefully before sending it to avoid inconvenience.

Power Up Your Introductory Email

Presentation Template 

Can you imagine sending, along with the email, a dynamic, complete, and detailed presentation about the company? Undoubtedly, this move helps to arouse customer confidence and reinforce the organization’s credibility as a potential solution to their demands. 

But watch out! The presentation must be constructed objectively: without excessive or scarce information. 

To help you with that, we’ve prepared a complete and free presentation template to inspire and help you strengthen your company’s reputation with potential customers.

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