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Top Digital Marketing Solutions For IT Companies

First of all, it is worth getting to know the leading solutions that technology companies can adopt. The most basic action here is investing in content marketing, which involves developing blogs, social networks, eBooks, and other formats.

SEO: with the best SEO practices, optimizing your content for search engines to improve Google ranking and organic positioning is possible. That is, your customer will find you on the first pages of search engines.

Attraction Marketing: This is a more comprehensive strategy than content marketing with actions to build a relationship with leads and potential customers to use materials to nurture, engage and guide them during the shopping journey. Basically, at this point, attraction marketing allows you to structure processes to:

  • Attract visitors;
  • Convert these visitors into leads;
  • Qualify and warm up leads;
  • Sell ​​products or services to tips prepared to close the deal;
  • Build customer loyalty and turn them into brand promoters.

Website development: Many tech companies already have websites, but they do not generate a good user experience, do not highlight the benefits of the services offered, and focus on converting leads. So, it is necessary to redesign the corporate page with all these changes to attract more visitors and optimize conversion.

Digital consultancy with link building: to improve visibility, authority, and brand construction and increase organic traffic, it is essential to use a solid strategy of digital consultancy with link building. With this, it is possible to obtain organic mentions, recommendations, backlinks from other companies and websites, and advertisements in the media.

Paid media: we can’t forget about paid media either, sponsored ads in search engines and social networks. By purchasing these spaces, the brand can impact potential customers at different times, boosting website traffic.

Podcasts: with the growth of podcast listeners, it is essential that your company also participates in this content format to bring tips to talk about challenges inactivity, among others. In this way, you become a reference on the subject and generate more interest from potential customers.

Seven Steps To Create A Digital Marketing Strategy For Companies 

After knowing the leading digital marketing solutions for technology companies, it is essential to define which ones will be used in your business and learn how to put these strategies into practice. To help you, we will bring you an efficient step-by-step.

Strategic planning is crucial for a digital marketing strategy for technology companies to be well built and bring the expected results. Through it, it is possible to structure the entire subsequent process, with:

  • Definition of business objectives
  • Market and competition analysis
  • Determination of communication channels and content formats
  • persona delimitation
  • Content strategy according to frequency and dissemination

With all this designed and mapped, the company will understand the behavior of potential customers, the purchase journey, the sales funnel, and which content formats are for each moment of evolution.

Persona Definition

Companies need to know their persona in-depth to attract leads, educate them, and help convert them into business opportunities. With this character in mind, you can devise the most appropriate strategies, content, and formats to reach your pain, generating interest and engagement.

The creation of personas involves data collection, market benchmarking, and interviews with that professional profile that targets technology companies’ solutions. Thus, it is possible to find the character’s behaviors, routines, and challenges and be more efficient and assertive in communication.

Purchase Journey

In the digital marketing strategy for technology companies, it is necessary to define the content that will work during the purchase journey explained in 4 stages:

  • Learning and discovery: when the lead did not yet know that they have a challenge or problem to be faced and need to be alerted;
  • Recognition of the problem: the leader knows that he has a difficulty, and overcoming it is essential to improve performance;
  • Consideration of the solution: now, the lead is already looking for the main alternatives in the market to solve their problem;
  • Purchase decision: here is the time to present your solution to the customer, showing the benefits and differentials to buy your product.

For example, if your tech company sells a management system, you need to pick up the wounds of inefficiency and operational downfalls, such as errors and low productivity. Then you can talk about the results achieved by overcoming these problems. In the third stage, the tool appears as the solution to the challenges, and, finally, your company emerges as an ideal partner.

Keyword Study

For content to be assertive to each moment of the journey and reach the persona, planning defines the keywords worked on in the strategy. By analyzing the best opportunities for words to produce content, it is possible to build a system with an eye on combining a good ranking on Google with a good volume of searches.

Editorial Calendar

With all this prior planning, it’s time to create a calendar of publications and content to be produced, whether blog, social network, eBook, emails, newsletter, nutrition streams, podcast, and others.

Periodicity is essential in digital marketing strategies for companies to ensure recurrence, making users return to your website and social networks to see new material and also as a way to activate Google robots to rank your new content.

Content Production

Now it’s time for the actual production. The person responsible for the content needs to follow the SEO rules to use the keyword, keep in mind the moment of the purchase journey and ensure the focus is always on the persona. With that, you are already halfway to the preparation of the material, which must be engaging, authentic, have a foundation, and, above all, help the lead.

After all, according to Marketing Profs, 2 million blogs are written every day. So, to stand out in this context, it is necessary to provide materials that generate value.


To increase the productivity of your digital marketing team, implementing automation solutions is critical. In this way, it is possible to create automated nutrition flows, schedule and manage newsletters and marketing emails, and analyze the metrics after these actions.

Not to mention that the platform can give points to the lead for their interaction with the brand, monitoring their behavior to advance in the purchase journey when reaching a particular index. 

Top Benefits Of Digital Marketing For Technology Companies

By performing all these steps, tech companies can gain numerous advantages in digital marketing, such as:

  • Conquest of strategic keywords;
  • Generating leads organically ;
  • Be seen as a reference in the market;
  • Reduction in the cost of acquiring customers;
  • Increased return on investment.

It is also worth noting that conversion rates are approximately six times higher for companies adept at digital marketing than for non-adherents.

Also Read: IoT: Controlling Your Business Whenever And Wherever You Are

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