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What Are The Top 5 Big Data Challenges In IT?

Big Data challenges are already a reality in companies of different sizes and segments, contributing to the transformation of data on various variables into accurate information.

Customer identification and recognition, inventory control, sales rate evaluation, and monitoring of production routines are, for example, some of the processes that are improved with data storage and analysis.

As G Suite is a  Google cloud platform, purchasing specific software for each required functionality is not necessary. Instead, the Company only invests in the services it will use.

Since the programs are hosted on Google’s servers, IT staff don’t have to worry about software updates as they are done automatically. This also means that disk storage is no longer an issue, as space in the cloud is unlimited.

It turns out that some companies have encountered challenges when applying these practical Big Data solutions, compromising results that could be more promising. Discover five challenges and learn how you can get around them.

Data Extraction And Curation

The main challenge in using Big Data is to identify which data need to be collected and how to systematize them so that they can be viewed objectively and reasonably.

What data is essential for my business? With this question, you will direct data collection, prioritizing variables that are most interesting to the Company: inventory, sales, customer behavior, etc.

In addition to choosing the right indicators, it is essential to think about the relationship between them (and not isolated data), which is fundamental to understanding the business situation.

Protection And Security

It is essential to think about data protection, access control to information (who has access to what), and encryption.

Data vulnerability must be fought with firewalls and precise data implementation and control policies, avoiding possible intrusions or mismatch of information within the Company.

Adequate IT Infrastructure

You need the right technology and IT infrastructure to handle advanced Big Data solutions and an ever-increasing and more precise amount of data.

It is essential to have data centers capable of storing many servers and multi-petabyte storage power (for large volumes of information). The migration of solutions to cloud services is also a point in overcoming this challenge.

Qualified Labor

Although Big Data solutions are increasing, few professionals can work in the area with maximum use. After all, you need skills in mathematics, statistics, programming language, and management knowledge to deal with data.

Invest in a multidisciplinary team to overcome these problems and in the valuation of training and consulting that can increase the team’s performance.

In addition, IT professionals must work alongside managers, making the data generate good insights and enable strategic decision-making.

Continuity And Transformation

The data mining process is constant, generating relationships and patterns frequently. It is necessary to be aware of this information at all times, and the work of analysis and curation cannot stop.

Likewise, changes and actions based on data must be fast in order not to miss opportunities and not leave the business behind the competitors.

Overcoming these challenges in using Big Data, the Company can increase performance in data storage and systematization, as well as align all this work with adaptations and strategic interventions for the growth of the enterprise.

Routine Organization In IT Management

With  Google Calendar in G Suite, the Company can create multiple events that all employees can access. It is also possible to develop personal calendars that are only assigned to specific teams.

Like all Google apps, Calendar can be integrated with services like Gmail, Drive, Contacts, and Hangouts.

The platform also has a function to overlay calendars, which allows you to view the appointments of everyone on the team, which makes it easier to schedule meetings at times when everyone is available.

The complexity of an office routine requires that as many services as possible be automated so that team efforts are not dispersed among infinite tasks. In this way, thinking about how your Company’s IT management can be optimized with platforms for this purpose is a big step towards the advances you want for your business.

Also Read: Cybersecurity Culture: How To Strengthen It?

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