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HomeCloud ComputingCloud Migration: How To Structure This Process?

Cloud Migration: How To Structure This Process?

Cloud Migration: Digital transformation has made the world faster and customers and employees more demanding. This is already a fact in the world of information technology, but is your Company prepared for so many changes?

The biggest one is the migration to the cloud of the entire data structure and business management  — the so-called Cloud Computing.

The world trend is for the cloud structure to become familiar, being carried out in all companies, regardless of size. We will help you by presenting your Company’s main advantages and tips for carrying out the migration process. Follow this text!

Analyze The Benefits

First, analyze the benefits of migration and how much your Company will benefit from this process. Check it out below.

Have Reduced Costs

Especially when it comes to IT infrastructure, the savings are brutal. No more physical space will be needed for the server park. In addition, infrastructure, maintenance, and equipment purchase costs will be eliminated.

Gain A Collaborative Environment

Typically, cloud frameworks have ready-made platforms for the collaborative environment between employees. It will be a great ease to share, edit and create documents, projects, and meetings.

Have Mobility

Information can be accessed from any device — desktop, tablet, smartphone, laptop. It is a great benefit, especially for companies that have employees working from home or who work in the field.

Carry Out Process Planning

It is highly complex to migrate to a cloud environment or any other large-scale IT transformation. This requires significant initial thought and in-depth planning to ensure effective use of resources, risk management, on-time, and on-budget implementation, and, ultimately, operational success.

All care and planning are minor, and it is crucial to have a Company specialized in this type of implementation. The problem is compounded if the migration personnel is not experienced in designing complex IT projects.

And how to structure this data migration process to mitigate all these risks? Let’s check it out next.

Define A Strategy

Before starting the migration process to the cloud, it is necessary to have a well-defined strategy so that everything happens as quickly, smoothly, and safely as possible. This data collection identifies and evaluates applications, on-premises infrastructure, data, and map dependencies between the applications. This way, you can define the priority of each one during the migration process.

Also, assess whether all the resources you currently use will be needed. Otherwise, there is no need to migrate them to the cloud to take up unnecessary space. Make this checklist and discard what you will no longer use.

Establish priority processes, know which ones to migrate first, and so on. The entire process will occur as smoothly as possible with optimal planning. One tip is to migrate entirely independent software that does not require data or applications from other programs.

Find Out About The Process

The process must be as correct as possible to avoid damage to applications or data. For this, it is recommended to use a migration approach that uses four models. Check out what they are below.


This option, also known as “lift and shift, ” can migrate programs quickly and safely. In this process, data transfer to the cloud occurs as it is on your Company’s server — this process is recommended when there is an urgent need to transfer software to the cloud.


Repackaging, or refactoring, is a process in which programs undergo some change but without much change to their code. It is indicated when it is necessary to use an existing code base.


This function happens when it is necessary to change the software to be migrated, whether to improve, modify or extend its code, seeking to optimize and improve its operation.


The software will be recompiled in this migration system using technologies in the cloud. This process primarily intends to update the application to its new role on the new hosting.

Assess The Risks

As the migration involves taking the data from your local server to the cloud, it is necessary always to be aware of the risks that the process can result, no matter how good. The initial recommendation is to make a backup of everything that will be migrated, avoiding the loss of files during the process.

Another point is to define strict access rules for files in the cloud, determining the level of access for each one and what types of interaction they can have with each file, whether read-only, partial editing or complete editing.

Determine What Will Be Migrated To The Cloud

You must know everything that will be migrated to the cloud to get an idea of ​​the space needed on the new server. Do a comprehensive survey of all your Company’s data and files and see if they still need to be accessed quickly. Otherwise, keep them on a local server for sporadic queries when necessary.

Understand The Differences Between Clouds

It is essential to understand and define which structure suits your Company. There are three types of clouds.


Cloud infrastructure is shared between companies and individuals in spaces with limited storage. It is worth mentioning that the information remains exclusive and visible only to those who have access. Public clouds balance data and processing between the servers that make up public clouds.


These are systems hired exclusively to store your Company’s data. They typically have the flexibility to generate the capacity the organization needs. Storage limits are elastic and can increase or decrease depending on various factors, such as seasonality ( increase or decrease in sales ).


It combines information and data split between public and private clouds. You can leave your data in the public cloud and the business rules and management in the private cloud.

Understand The Backup Process

To migrate to the cloud, it is essential that the solution found includes the data backup process. This process must be recurrent, and its restoration must be agile in case of failure.

Check The Security Of The Structure

Question data security. A secure cloud must have:

  • encrypted data;
  • dual authentication;
  • constant and automatic updating for new threats;
  • compliance with compliance;

Discover GCP Services — Google Cloud Platform

This is one of the most powerful tools on the market. In addition to Google’s renowned reliability, this platform frees your business from managing infrastructure for building custom machines, provisioning high-performance servers, and configuring and administering networks and data.

Also Read: What Are The Cloud Storage Costs?

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