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HomeArtificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence And Content: Your Next Copywriter Will Be A Robot?

Artificial Intelligence And Content: Your Next Copywriter Will Be A Robot?

How does artificial intelligence impact content? After all, today, almost everything has an artificial intelligence little finger. However, the uses of AI remain true to McCarthy’s precept: being a technology focused on performing functions analytically faster than humans. 

Artificial Intelligence And Content: Big Data 

The first thing that comes to our mind when we talk about the relationship between content and AI is the influence of Big Data. When we talk about Big Data, we talk about a huge volume of data generated and stored every day. A volume too large to be processed by traditional means of cataloging. 

In turn, the AI ​​captures, processes, and organizes this data. Thus, we can consult them according to our needs, facilitating the search and search engines. An example of using this branch of artificial intelligence in content marketing is when we research and analyze the most relevant keywords for our target audience on Google Trends.  

In other words: we have a tool that guides us, through tons of data on the internet, to know what type of content can be more accurate to reach the targetTherefore, we can see that much of the success between content marketing and AI is due to Big Data. But the combination goes further than that. 

Personalized Marketing: Taking Into Account User Tastes 

It’s no secret that users want an increasingly personalized experience within the purchase journey. And AI allows that to happen. After all, artificial intelligence has a unique ability to absorb and manage vast amounts of information. In this way, the possibility of looking at and analyzing this data makes content production much more assertive. Guessing goes away and is replaced by reliable metrics.

An example of the use of AI in content aimed at personalized marketing is the action of chatbots. These service robots ensure that the user is guided through the purchase journey in a personalized way. In addition, they also work by optimizing the user experience – which we know is extremely important for Google. 

The Use Of Predictive Marketing: Information That Can Predict The Future

Browsing the internet leaves traces. From that statement, data about the user, their behavior, and their preferences is generated – and can be analyzed by marketers—one more point for Big Data.

Given this information, it is possible to trace patterns of behavior and preferences based on statistics. Thus, using probability logic, professionals can predict how leads will act in the future and which trends they are more likely to follow. 

In other words: this strategy allows you to provide more relevant content to the user. The result? Greater engagement, shorter sales cycle, and less time surfing the web and migrating to competing sites.

What Is The Future Of AI In Content Marketing? 

One of the big bets for the future is the investment in virtual reality. That’s right: virtual reality as a form of online content, available to users. And no, we’re not talking about the distant future, with flying cars à la Jetsons. After all, a virtual reality already has a significant impact on the gaming and entertainment industry. 

When we apply technology to content, the goal is to offer an immersive experience where the lead can internalize the brand’s proposal. Imagine, for example, virtual reality content applied to an architecture firm’s website.

In it, the client will be able to take a tour of the architect’s project, perceiving all the details and finishes, all virtually. In earlier stages of the funnel, he can still have an interactive option, choosing details (such as colors, types of furniture, etc.)

Wouldn’t it be revolutionary? Can you count how much labor savings you would have? And how much agility in the sales and decision-making process? 

The Question That Doesn’t Want To Be Silent: Will AI Replace Who Writes? 

One of the great fears of those who delve a little deeper into the relationship between artificial intelligence and content production is that machines will replace humans. 

The truth is that, although there is some robotic journalism software, they cannot write a political opinion column, a chronicle, or similar texts – but they can be useful when creating some specific articles.

Therefore, it is not uncommon to find major publications using software such as Word Smith. But its use is for creating data-focused content such as earnings reports, market data, and even sports.

Also Read: Artificial Intelligence Is Not A Threat!

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