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HomeCloud ComputingDifference Between Multi-Cloud And Hybrid Cloud!

Difference Between Multi-Cloud And Hybrid Cloud!

Multi-cloud and Hybrid Cloud: New technologies are emerging every day for cloud computing. Among so many terminologies, it is common for there to be some confusion between them.

A good example of this is the concept of multi-cloud and hybrid cloud. Although the terms are very similar, there are differences between these two cloud service models. Knowing how to differentiate them is important to understand in which scenario each alternative is the most used and the reasons for this choice by companies.

Next, we show what each of these models means, their main differences, and how to manage multi-cloud solutions well. Keep reading!

What Does Multicolored Mean?

Multi-cloud means using public cloud resources from different service providers to guarantee a solution’s perfect functioning. In this way, the application uses resources that are spread across other providers to, for example, guarantee high availability. There are several reasons for using this alternative, including:

  • reduce costs;
  • environment integration;
  • Data Management storage;
  • greater flexibility.

Currently, services in public clouds are similar to large marketplaces; you need to hire and use them. As we said, multi-cloud is when you have an environment in several public clouds.

We have multiple integrations to get the best out of each. Therefore, multi-cloud is the conversation between several public clouds to provide the same solution.

This process is often used in large operations. An example is Uber and I Food. These companies rely heavily on cloud services and a wide range of skills. It is a series of different environments that use a lot of clouds to get the best of each solution.

Thus, one interacts with the database, while the other is a lower-investment environment, but in the end, it is all part of the technology. So multi-cloud is the multiple consumptions of public clouds.

What Is A Hybrid Cloud?

A hybrid cloud uses one or more public and private clouds so that resources are shared between them. However, they belong to the same service provider. The private cloud can also be the On-Premise model, which uses the company’s data center.

The hybrid cloud is the union of the public cloud with the On-Premise environment. In this case, the data center and its implementation within the enterprise as an operation. Examples of this model are banks and credit card companies, which have a complicated and laborious approval process. Therefore, these business models prefer to do the certification in their environment.

With that, they keep the operation indoors. However, it is necessary to benefit from all the public cloud resources. Public cloud integration with the On-Premise implementation transforms the operation into a hybrid cloud.

This way, they still use the operation part of the internal On-Premise model and still benefit from public cloud resources.

Multi-Cloud And Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid and multi-cloud clouds cater to different and non-passable scenarios. For example, a hybrid cloud can carry your main carrier to a premium one. It is optional to transform this application into a multi-cloud; it is only possible to centralize it in the same provider.

It is also optional to downsize and turn everything into a service. It is possible to have a reliable cloud player to cater for all variables. This means it is possible to move from a hybrid cloud environment to another cloud service, which will not necessarily be a multi-cloud but a 100% cloud operation.

The multicolored cloud is not a scale of the hybrid cloud. They are different solutions that meet different consumption scenarios. When considering the most suitable alternative for a business, it is necessary to consider that there is no defined business model. Rather, it is necessary to evaluate the ROI – Return on Investment.

To have the best ROI exploration, it is necessary to divide the work by transforming it into microservices and research within the market options, the one that brings the best result in terms of qualitative return and adherence to the investment.

Thus, it makes sense to use a low-cost cloud for a low-intensity environment and invest more in an environment that brings a great return, however, which has a higher level of sensitivity.

Also Read: How Cloud Computing Enhances the User Experience

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