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Difference Between Social Media Or Social Networks

Are Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube social media, social networks, or whatever? That’s right, terms that are well known and used in our daily lives often generate confusion in their classification.

Although the difference is not so apparent, it exists. And all these “galleries” there are social media. Let us now explain the difference. A social network is an old term that means creating relationships with people by sharing common goals and values. A group of friends from school, college, work, and even family members already form a social network.

Digital media are platforms, means of interaction whose primary function is the mass sharing of content and transmission of information, such as blogs, websites, and even YouTube. Taking these concepts to the online universe, we have that every digital space that allows interaction between people through platforms forms social networks and social media. That is, the social network is a part of social media. They are places where we can interact with people, but we are, at all times, being exposed to a multitude of shared content.

Advantages Of Digital Marketing On Social Media

As we have already said, social media is the central meeting point between brands and customers; it is the link that maintains the relationship between the two sides. But much more than generating this relationship, social media fosters new possibilities, new business, new potential customers; it helps to understand the needs and preferences of this audience, that is, to know the competitors. But how is all this possible? With a good digital marketing strategy for social media. And what are the advantages of a good performance on social media?

Generate Audience

Who is not seen is not remembered. And the more you position yourself on social media, the more you have a chance to grow your audience and build a qualified audience. And how is this built? Through quality content. There’s no way. To increase your audience, you need to give him what he wants, what he likes.

And this is done through good content. However, inbound marketing strategies will give you a super strength when it comes to preparing the best for your audience and thereby reaching new potential customers.

Traffic To The Website

Social media is like a rented house! You live there, but you don’t have complete freedom to do whatever you want. In other words, the website is your natural home, and that’s where you should take your customers.

In this sense, social networks are a beautiful gateway for companies to attract more consumers to the site. But there are other ways to increase access to the site; check out this article that we prepared on the subject. On the social network, you instigate the consumer with beautiful content and a good marketing strategy and then take them to finalize the sales process on your website. Even if you don’t seal properly, it’s a chance to generate leads and convert them later, for example.

Build Authority

People look for references in digital media. This is a fact. If you hear about a company or brand, one of the first things you think about doing is researching their social networks. So, you analyze the number of followers, the interaction, the quality of the content, and if none of that seems attractive to you, you don’t give that brand its expected value. Is it like that, or isn’t it?! Well, we’re talking about authority. Building authority is precisely to make this person who accesses your social media feel confident in what you are proposing.

And how to do it? Using digital marketing strategies for social media, such as delivering top-notch and increasingly personalized content, working with quality images, creating customer relationships, and much more.


Did you know that the more engagement your posts have – likes, comments, and shares – the more they have a chance of being shown to a more significant number of people? That’s right!

That’s why you must encourage your audience to participate.  An excellent way to do this is to use a good CTA at the end of your content; that is, a well-thought-out call to action can make your audience interact easily. If you want to know about the importance of CTA, be sure to read the article we just made on this topic. And, of course, quality content again reigns in digital marketing strategies on social media.

Also Read: Social Media For Companies: What For?

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