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HomeCloud ComputingHow To Make Your Cloud Computing Journey

How To Make Your Cloud Computing Journey

Cloud computing journey, how to do it: A combination of technologies has been changing how we human beings organize our tasks and relate collectively, both personally and professionally.

Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing have inaugurated a new experience within the corporate environment.

The cloud computing journey has brought new perspectives to organizations’ internal processes. When talking about cloud computing, a lot is imagined about the resources of large network providers, such as Google.

But cloud technology can also be applied privately – not publicly. The private cloud, by the way, is nothing more than the ideal of cloud computing used for the specific scheme of a company.

Nowadays, any company that values ​​remaining competitive in the market and guarantees the security and governability of its data must invest in the IT sector to carry out its cloud computing journey, which involves an entire migration process.

It is possible to store and share information securely through the cloud, accessing it remotely from anywhere with a simple connection to the network. Although it requires a particular investment on the part of IT, which represents a challenge, the cloud journey is rewarding in terms of organization.

The standardization and automation resulting from implementing cloud computing represent an excellent reduction in operational costs. It is no longer necessary to perform periodic back-ups since everything is saved in the cloud, for example. Another benefit is the cloud’s agility to the company’s internal organization.

Users no longer need to worry about where and how applications will run and can access files remotely. With the cloud journey, IT, in turn, opens space for users to be more innovative and take risks in search of new products and services.

Implementation is not always easy, either because of the degree of transformation that needs to take place in the company or the level of investment to be allocated. However, following the steps at the right time, everything is possible and possible to optimize!

Below, we will punctuate ways of acting to help in the cloud journey of companies:


We manage over 5,000 servers across the largest cloud providers. We provide consulting services to analyze, together with companies, the best strategies to implement technologies and organizational changes.

Cloud Migration

Among many others, consulting is one step that makes up migration to the cloud. It is a strategic measure in the IT management of companies. According to processes, the cloud migration journey is divided into four stages, which are:

  • Study – specialists study the application’s infrastructure to define the best technology to be deployed in the company;
  • Architecture – after analysis, the cloud specialists will develop the entire network architecture. Everything is built based on demand, which vetoes the presence of idle or misapplied resources;
  • Execution – with everything planned, it’s time to implement the plan. Migrating to a cloud environment is always safer with the help of a specialized company;
  • Management and Monitoring – once installed, the system still requires some operations and repairs that must be carried out to ensure the quality and governance of the cloud environment.


Our DevOps service can automate tasks that you would need an entire team to operate. Our offer is customized according to your demand; we work with support in the parameterization of applications, use of repositories, and advanced technologies so that you can have a more intelligent and automated application.

Cloud Orchestration

The cloud journey can often offer the possibility of working with a hybrid cloud within companies. Thus, it is possible to build different data repositories and manage them optimally.

Have you ever thought about the opportunity to coordinate these solutions on a single platform? We orchestrate your environments to facilitate your company’s multi-cloud management.

Infrastructure As A Code

Regarding speed and agility of deliveries in development environments, the term Infrastructure as a Code comes up with force.

It is a type of infrastructure that allows IT teams to manage all the management from code, which helps to optimize the process instead of manual procedures.

Also Read: Migration To Cloud Computing: What Are The Steps

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