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HomeMarketingSeven Reasons Why Twitter Is Still Worth Using As A Marketing Tool

Seven Reasons Why Twitter Is Still Worth Using As A Marketing Tool

Discover the seven reasons why Twitter is still worth using as a powerful digital marketing tool in our post. Twitter is a network for people to talk to and listen to.

Sharing The Content, You Produce

Therefore, for those who work with content production and maintain an updated blog, this is an excellent channel to share your posts and new materials and attract visitors to your website.

In addition, due to the dynamics, many people use Twitter to keep up to date on subjects that interest them. If the audience likes the content, the chances are high that the post will be retweeted, increasing its reach to other users.

Easy Adhesion

Twitter makes it easier for users to interact with companies: we are more open to accepting a tweet, which is quickly read and blended into several other tweets, than signing up for a newsletter, for example.

In addition, users can easily manage their relationships: they can follow and unfollow the company with just one click.

One More Service Option

Some don’t like to pick up the phone and call a company; some prefer not to leave the house, and others think sending an email is a bit of work. Twitter is a non-bureaucratic and straightforward way to get in touch with the company.

Having a profile on the social network, your business offers this contact channel more. It allows the customer to talk to your company either through DMs (direct messages) or through mentions – this is what is called SAC 2.0 or service through social networks.

Relationship Building

Twitter allows building a relationship between companies and users. You can talk to someone, reply to a tweet, engage other users in the conversation, etc. In addition, when someone follows us, the person accepts to receive what we write and allows the sending of private direct messages – that is, a more excellent bond is established.

By allowing for more direct interaction (just using the @ in front of another user’s name), Twitter is an excellent channel to identify and interact with influencers. This is possible to maintain a closer relationship with those who can influence others about your brand, products, and services.

Characterize The Brand

Twitter has the characteristic of “humanizing” companies. Through the social network, the company gains personality. She has her mood, opinions on specific subjects, and way of speaking.


On Twitter, everyone thinks aloud. You can find diverse opinions about your company, products, competitors, and industry with a simple search. You can see several market opportunities by visiting your audience’s tweets; you can get to know their interests and needs better and work them into your content.

Using a link shortened, you can measure the popularity of your tweets through the number of clicks, for example. Through RTs, you can get an idea of ​​the reach of your message.

Twitter Ads And Twitter Cards

Twitter launched, in 2015, the opening accounts for ads aimed at small and medium-sized businesses. There is no fixed or specific value – ads via Twitter are defined through an auction.

You can choose between two ad formats: promote accounts, where Twitter searches for profiles similar to your followers through similar interests, and promotional tweets, where Twitter constantly monitors your posts, promotes those that have a higher level of engagement, and automatically discloses the best ones.

Another novelty that Twitter has recently implemented is Cards. They are cards that carry extra information about a particular tweet and are shown to the public on the network itself, without the user having to leave Twitter to find out what is in that link.

They mainly work with users using the Twitter mobile app, as the tendency to leave the app to access another page is significantly lower than in the browser. A YouTube video embedded directly in the feed, a downloadable app, or a summary link card, similar to Facebook links, are examples of standard cards on the web.

Also Read: Everything You Need To Know About Social Media

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