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What Is OpenStack Technology?

What is OpenStack? Does this term sound strange to you? With the technological race at an increasingly frantic pace, at every moment, new vocabularies and technologies appear, especially in corporate environments that are adept at the Virtual Data Center.

This is the case with  OpenStack technology. Originating from Cloud Computing (cloud computing), OpenStack technology reveals a series of advantages and optimized functionalities, being an incredible and powerful tool for the  IT sector. 

What Is OpenStack?

It is nothing more than a collaborative cloud platform with its open-source code, which allows any authorized person to participate and collaborate with the projects set in it. OpenStack technology was created precisely to serve structures as a service (IaaS) and emerged in 2010 from the union between NASA and Rackspace Hosting.

Officially, as we know it today, OpenStack ended up becoming a non-profit and independent organization in mid-2012. Supervised by a specific board, the community comprises several companies competing with each other, directly or indirectly, such as IBM, Intel, and VMware.

Tools For Managing

Duly incorporated into Linux systems, the  OpenStack technology in the Virtual Data Center allows the creation of hybrid tools that enable management in the cloud, whether private or public, which is one of the most advantageous factors of using it.

Furthermore, using OpenStack, previous infrastructures and their resources can be leveraged. This also allows sharing with other companies, optimizing all IT and data center management. This collaborative nature greatly assists in technology advances, ensuring a refresh rate.

OpenStack Architecture Is Highly Reliable

The OpenStack architecture is divided into four layers, each responsible for performing a specific task, resulting in a complex structure full of features.


Swift is responsible for storing blobs as well as serving data. Originating from RackSpace Cloud Files, it works analogously to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) from the Amazon Web Services environment.


The Glance layer is responsible for providing means of discovering, storing, and recovering virtual machines for the system. It is also called Image Management.


The Heat layer is responsible for the pre-release organization of OpenStack models. It includes servers and service definitions for pages and other elements for cloud applications.


Finally, the Horizon layer plays the role of monitoring solutions and providing an administrative dashboard.

Advantages Of OpenStack For Your Company

Imagine a situation in which a software development team must carry out the necessary tests. In a traditional organization, it would be required to activate the infrastructure team, assigning professionals to install the server and make the necessary resources available before aligning the specifications with the development team.

This flow is highly time-consuming and bureaucratic, demanding approvals and processes that, in turn, can be complex and exhausting. This causes productivity to decrease considerably and may even reflect on the company’s profits.

With the cloud structure provided by a provider that uses OpenStack, all preparation steps for the tests can be done directly by the team responsible for developing the software since it will have an entire web interface. And it is using this interface that it is possible to configure, in a few steps, everything necessary for the tests.

In addition to reducing the number of people involved in the process, OpenStack also drastically eliminates wasted time, streamlining all steps and cutting costs radically.

OpenStack And Performance In The Market

Already considered the operating system of the cloud, technologies based on OpenStack have gained more and more space in the business world, both for small companies and large corporations.

The advantages of this type of technology make small companies migrate all their services to public clouds, such as Google Cloud, based on OpenStack. In addition, large corporations that keep their data locally develop their own cloud systems.

In this sense, the advancement of OpenStack makes it possible to offer and provide services related to computing that are much more sophisticated and, proportionally, cheaper for all international providers.

However, it is still great difficulty to find trained professionals who work with OpenStack technology or can develop a cloud system based on it.

Therefore, those professionals who seek training as soon as possible end up coming out ahead, dominating the market that, if not used today, will quickly start using technology.

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