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HomeCloud ComputingAdvantages Of Adopting Cloud Computing In Your Business

Advantages Of Adopting Cloud Computing In Your Business

Generally, the IT team immediately comes to mind when talking about cloud computing. And in fact, the idea of ​​working with the cloud always starts with these professionals, as this is a more technical sector within the company and is directly affected by this type of change.

But, as we have seen, its benefits also extend to other company sectors. HR, for example, can abandon spreadsheets and use cloud software to manage their processes. The sales area can adopt a CRM and other systems to facilitate commercial stages, while the marketing area can create more complex online campaigns. And all these examples are independent of the company’s size and type of business.

Possible applications range from the simplest — like just putting a website online — to a more elaborate action, such as making a complex interaction on social networks. The cloud can manage all this, even if the company wants to maintain a local server to store a database.

Given these implementations, let’s see below the main benefits that the cloud can bring to the company.

Advantages Of Cloud Computing For Business

High Availability

The company guarantees high availability through cloud computing for all its operations, thanks to the standard hardware redundancy in this type of technology. This redundancy is the simplest way to keep the systems working in case of failures.

In short, instead of relying on just one server or CPU, for example, the cloud multiplies these resources so that the other can guarantee the continuity of processes if one of the components paralyzes. This avoids lost productivity and production delays.

IT Team Optimization

With the application of cloud computing in your business, the IT team will no longer be responsible for taking care of much of the infrastructure, applications, and desktop users. Your focus can be directed to other areas, such as innovative solutions for the company, growth strategies, and new businesses – instead of employees creating updates to applications.


We know that sustainability is becoming increasingly important and valued by the most critical users and public opinion in general. Because joining cloud computing to the company’s model also brings benefits.

Cloud services save energy, space, cooling, and carbon dioxide, dramatically reducing your business’s impacts on the environment. In addition, the practicality of sharing documents, for example, reduces the cost and waste of paper used in printing since many files can be easily accessed virtually.


One of the most significant advantages of opting for cloud computing in a company is the ability to access all files from anywhere and at any time. After all, as all files will be stored in the cloud, the portability power of the company is drastically improved.

In other words, you only need an internet connection to log in, and you can access any of the company’s files. With this, using physical data storage equipment such as external HD, pen drives, physical servers, and others is no longer necessary.


Cloud computing also generates remarkable results for the economy of the company that adopts it. This is because, with it, the business starts to reduce the costs invested in helpdesks and servers — in addition to saving the time spent to obtain any information since the data can be accessed anywhere and at any time, as we said.

Greater Scalability

The cloud makes it easier to reduce or increase the company’s structure or even to carry out new implementations since the service providers already have capacity planning, providing for the quick delivery of resources without the need to wait for the acquisition of hardware, for example. Example.

Imagine a company that runs a viral promotion, seeing itself needing to increase the capacity of its servers overnight in order not to lose sales. Once the campaign is over, it will need to reduce this structure to reduce costs. In the cloud, this can be done easily and quickly.

Data Security

As we have already mentioned,  data security is undoubtedly one of the most critical and decisive points for the longevity of a business. Vulnerability to attacks and system failures puts all company information at risk — in addition to generating production interruptions that cause significant losses, one of the biggest headaches an IT manager can have.

This point should be heavily debated in the company’s strategic planning to keep the system protected and convince its directors to approve the migration plan. It is also worth mentioning that good cloud computing providers have teams specially dedicated to security, giving even more results.

In some cases, outsourcing security may seem contradictory. Still, it is worth remembering that leaving the security part in the hands of those who work exclusively with it is much more coherent than being performed by an IT team that has numerous tasks with which to deal.

Still, it is good to point out that no system is immune to attacks or failures. What matters is having the best possible structure to deal with these problems without being unprepared.

Reduction In Energy Consumption

Not only the data center but all the infrastructure necessary for its operation — especially the cooling systems — consume a lot of energy, which is a significant burden for a company that maintains this equipment in-house. On the other hand, by migrating its  IT infrastructure to the cloud, the company reduces energy consumption and focuses on its core business.

Ease Of Product Licensing

Many cloud service providers have low costs for deploying software (SaaS) and hardware (IaaS) platforms, as licenses in subscription models have become increasingly common. This type of licensing brings excellent savings in the renewal of warranty and support for the products, in addition to the costs becoming more predictable and continuous.

Well, as we’ve seen so far, the cloud makes it possible to perfectly adapt the investment made to the benefit consumed by corporate operations. Precisely for this reason, it is a service that continues to grow in the market, to the point that companies need to use this resource if they want to remain competitive.

Also Read: Difference Between Multi-Cloud And Hybrid Cloud!

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