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HomeMarketingCreative Email Marketing Examples To Inspire You

Creative Email Marketing Examples To Inspire You

Having email marketing templates for each type of contact, situation, or brand interaction with a user may seem laborious. Still, afterward, it will be a considerable time and money saver.

There are brands known for showing creativity in producing these emails, and they do it because they know it works. But let’s face it, inspiration only strikes sometimes, and the writing flows smoothly.

We’ve written this article to help you avoid these creative lapses and reap the rewards of having creative email marketing examples. Keep reading; you will have good starting points to create your templates!

What Is Email Marketing?

Before going deep into this subject, let’s start at the beginning: email marketing is sending emails to the public (it can be customers, contacts, leads, or users, in short, the list is exhaustive) focusing on fulfilling the objectives Of marketing.

First of all, it’s not just about randomly firing messages. If you are in the habit of resorting to email only when sales are down and you need to “save” the month, you are doing it wrong.

That’s why we talk about email marketing strategy: whoever is on the other side must feel that communication is fluid.

Thus, you take advantage of this channel’s versatility and can use numerous formats such as offers, newsletters with relevant news, account activation emails, greetings, commemorative messages, notices, and more.

Why Follow An Email Marketing Template

Communicating with your lead base or customers requires firing off messages individually. Just as challenging, it would be resorting to creativity every time it was necessary to inform, entertain or warn the lead about changes and news.

You need your email marketing to scale! This means having all the templates ready in a tool that triggers automatically as the lead triggers the “triggers” you configure.

If the lead left the data on a landing page, for example, he has to receive the material he downloaded as soon as possible. If he makes a purchase, he will be anxious about the transactional message confirming the data and informing the next steps.

On top of that, you need to inspire confidence. That is, emails must have headers containing your logo and a footer with telephone and address to demonstrate that there is no fraud and that it is indeed a severe company on the other side.

Nine Email Marketing Examples For Your Strategy

Check out the email marketing examples useful for your marketing strategy. MLab uses some to communicate with our leads, prospects, and customers. You can be sure we’re sharing something that works.

Welcome Email

As the name implies, this message type welcomes a new user, lead, or customer. It’s that pat on the back to start a friendship, but not only that: the welcome email is also very informative.

Launch Email

Launches, when done right, are seasonal events and full of planning and expectations. Soon, the launch emails happen when all these feelings have already been awakened in public. But this does not mean they should not be thought out to the smallest detail.

Promotional Email

Composing good promotional emails is always a challenge. This type of communication is lost if the commercial approach is not very creative.

Furthermore, people are only sometimes available for sales messages. You have to stand out for the colors, for the text, or with a title that makes it clear that the click is worth it.

Transactional Email

Transactional emails have the primary function of transmitting security. So, think of something with all the information shoppers want to know, and make it easy to find in the copy. Hard to try to imagine anyone better at this than Amazon.

Email Conversion

When it comes to conversion, less is more. It’s the same logic as on a landing page: the more options and links that stray from the subject or flourish in the copy explanation, the greater the chances that the recipient will be confused and not take the desired action.

Informative Email

Informational communications can be of many types: newsletters, market updates, or important notifications about an opportunity or a new product. In all these cases, do your best to explain the events didactically.

Emails For Special Dates

These occasions are essential points of contact with your audience. Behind a congratulation or celebration is a stage of a relationship being fulfilled or a sales opportunity that can represent a good part of your company’s annual revenue. It’s what we usually call lead nurturing.

Email For Ecommerce

Especially for e-commerce that works with very different products, it is worth considering the design to have visual organization.

Another good tip is to avoid a radical miscellany, betting on themed promotions, which always bring together the same types of products.

Email For Inactive Users

When you’ve already let someone slip through your fingers, it’s harder to resume communication. Difficult, but never impossible. You must be excited, objective, and full of arguments to regain the lead or former client.

Also Read: Setting Up A Company Introduction Email In 5 Steps

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