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How To Implement Relationship Marketing On Social Networks

To implement relationship marketing in your company, first, it is necessary that everyone in the company is engaged with the organizational culture and has good customer service training.  

Collaborators must be willing to seek solutions, help the user and develop empathy. So, check out the top tips on implementing a relationship marketing strategy on social media.

Implementing A Relationship Marketing Strategy On Social Media  

Interact With Followers 

As mentioned earlier, this first topic may seem obvious, but the number of companies that do not respond or interact with their followers is impressive. Social media were developed to be environments for exchanging experiences and virtual relationships, so use and abuse them! 

Whenever you receive a message, try to respond as quickly as possible because if someone has contacted you, they want a quick response. 

Have you got a comment on a post? Answer it! Show people that they are essential to your brand. 

Keep Posting Frequency 

You certainly have a personal profile on some social networks and tend to access it frequently. Have you noticed that the pages you most relate to have a policy of regular publication, routinely sharing new content and materials? This is not a coincidence. 

This procedure should be the same when managing a business profile on social media. Establish an editorial calendar and develop content so that your profiles on the networks are always up to date and offer news to your followers. This will increase engagement with the brand.

Have Communication Aligned With The Persona  

Social networks bring together diverse audiences who use different languages ​​, and each behaves in their way. Contrary to what many marketing professionals might think, you shouldn’t create publications thinking about everyone but always thinking about your persona. 

Knowing how to act on each social network is also very important! Twitter, for example, requires small texts, objective publications, and very explicit language. On the other hand, Instagram highlights images, so captions should be short. 

As for your followers, it’s essential to know them well! This involves having a well-structured persona, identifying which social media they use, and, consequently, the best language to reach these people. 

Instagram, like Snapchat, has a history of gathering a young audience. Therefore, it is necessary to work the posts with an accessible language for these followers. 

It’s essential to align the tone of your posts with your brand persona (and that it fits with your audience). Whenever you post, make sure you’re using language and style that represent your brand. 

Manage The Crisis With Intelligence 

A page on social networks does not only receive positive comments and praise. On the contrary, it is also subject to posts criticizing the content, work, product, or service. At that moment, you need to be flexible and know how to manage crises strategically. 

Negative messages tend to have more repercussions than positive ones, so you need to know how to respond to them not to increase the damage they can cause to the brand. It’s always interesting to call the comment’s author to chat in the chat inbox and resolve his demands. But publicly, don’t leave it unanswered! 

Monitor Results Closely 

The work on social networks is constantly under construction, and therefore, it is necessary to monitor the evolution of its strategies and the results generated by them. You need to know what works and what could work better to strengthen and attract more followers. 

Social networks present different metrics and data, such as the reach of publications, engagement, and data on followers, among other information and insights — which you can find out by monitoring social networks. 

Knowing your audience and understanding how they relate to your content on the networks makes it possible to create materials and develop even more efficient strategies.

Also Read: Content Production For Social Networks

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